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Isopleths are the lines on a weather map that connect places with the same temperature.

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Q: What are places on a weather map that have the same temperature are connected called?
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Do places having equal pressure connected by isotherms on a weather map?

No, places having equal pressure are connected by isobars on a weather map. Isotherms connect places with equal temperature.

What is a temperature line called?

A line on a weather map that connects places where the temperature is the same is called an isotherm.

What are line joining places on the weather map that have the same air temperature called?

The logifisicalup line.

On a map what places are joined by isotherms?

Isotherms on a map join places that have the same average temperature. This means that all points connected by an isotherm line will have similar temperature patterns. The spacing between isotherms indicates temperature gradients across an area.

What are lines joining places with the same temperature on a weather map?

Lines joining places with the same temperature on a weather map are called isotherms. These lines help to visualize regions with similar temperatures and can be used to identify temperature patterns across a particular area or region.

How does weather channel voice track know current temperature?

They have thermometers in the places where the temperature is told...

Does Britain have a temperature climate and why?

Yes to both. All places on earth have a general weather pattern, which is called climate. Different places have different climates, but every place has some climate. Similarly, everything has temperature, not matter how warm or how cold.

The temperature fluctuation throughout the year in places in the ocean tends to be much milder than places far from water. what causes this weather phenomenon?

The temperature fluctuation throughout the year in places near the ocean tends to be much milder than in places far from water. This weather phenomenon is caused by the relatively stable temperature of the water compared to surrounding air and land temperatures.

What are lines on a weather map than join places that have the same temp?

Isolines, specifically isotherms, are lines on a weather map that connect points of equal temperature. This helps to visualize temperature patterns and gradients across a geographic area.

Does the temperature in the water different in different places?

Yes, the temperature of water can vary in different places due to factors such as location, depth, currents, and proximity to land or ice. Water temperature can also be influenced by seasonal changes and weather patterns.

Where does rock weather?

Rocks weather through a process called physical or chemical weathering, caused by exposure to elements such as water, wind, and temperature changes. Over time, the effects of weathering can break down rocks into smaller pieces or alter their chemical composition.

What is a Line on map called linking places of equal temperature?
