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Alkali metals are powerful reducing agents, they give up one electron easily. They are extremely reactive.

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Q: What are physical properties for alkali metals?
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What are characteristic properties of alkaline earth metals?

they are harder than alkali metals

Are alkalai metals metal?

Yes, alkali metals are indeed metals. They belong to group 1 of the periodic table and include elements such as lithium, sodium, and potassium. They are highly reactive and have characteristics typical of metals, such as shiny appearance and good conductivity of heat and electricity.

What are the physical features of alkali metals?

They are light, soft, silvery metals.

Are alkali metals conductive?

yes, all metals conduct. It is one of their defining properties.

What are the common properties of halogen?

highly reactive with alkali metals and alkaline earth metals

What is Properties of alkali metals?

Low melting and boiling point

Are alkali metals electro-positive?

Yes they are!even though they are very soft, reactive and not as widely used as much as transition metals eg. in construction they still have other metallic properties, such as metallic bonding.Yes all alkali metals are metals.

What are the similarities of potassium and francium?

Lithium, sodium potassium, caesium, rubidium and francium are all alkali metals; consequently they share many chemical and physical properties.

Are elements potassium and sodium metals or nonmetals?

Potassium and sodium are both metals. They belong to the alkali metal group of the periodic table, which is known for its highly reactive properties.

Is alkali metals can be cut simply by knife but iron cannot because of alkali metals have?

Alkali metals can be cut with a knife because they are soft and have low melting points. Iron cannot be cut easily with a knife because it is a strong and hard metal. The differences in properties between alkali metals and iron make alkali metals easier to cut with a knife.

Is lithium hard?

No, in comparison to the rest of the metals, lithium (as an alkali metal) would be called a soft metal. All the alkali metals could be cut with a knife, but still retain properties of metals.

What is reactivity of properties of metals?

Electronegativities of metals are very different: alkali metals are very reactive, platinum metals very unreactive. Metals react with nonmetals.