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Q: What are physical features in pacific?
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oceans,rivers,and lakes

What were the Chinook's physical features such as mountains?

The Chinooks are a group of Native American people who live in the Pacific Northwest. The physical features of the area include bodies of water and mountains.

What are the major physical features of the puget sound lowlands?

Well, umm i had to do a postcard for a class and one of the major physical features of the Puget Sound Lowlands is the Pacific Ocean.

What physical features form the boundaries of the US?

The physical features that form the boundaries of the United States are the Atlantic Ocean to the east, the Pacific Ocean to the west, Canada to the north, and Mexico to the south.

Can you name some physical features of Sacramento California?

t s partally surrounded by the pacific ocean

5 physical features of japan?

Japan is an island nation located in the Pacific Ocean. Some physical features of Japan are: mountainous regions, numerous hot springs, coastal areas, high elevations and it is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire which makes the country prone to earthquakes.

What physical features form the eastern Russian border?

The Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan, and the Pacific Ocean.

What are physical and natural features?

physical features are features in which you can observe by your eyes.

What is Americas physical features?

Answer 1: the physical features are the Himilayans, Andres Moutains, the tributaries, The Amazin RiverAnswer 2: physical features in latin American:the Andes mts.highlandsllanoscerradopampasorinoco riveramazon riverparana riverthe greater antillesthe lesser antilles

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What are the three features of the Pacific coastal plains