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Population tends to be most dense along coast lines with flat plains, along rivers, in areas with fertile soil and temperate climates. Population density is lowest in areas where it is hard for humans to live. These include deserts, very rugged mountains, and arctic or subarctic regions where the climate is extremely cold.

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Q: What are patterns of population?
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What is demography cycle?

The demography cycle refers to the patterns of birth, death, and migration that occur in a population over time. These patterns can have significant impacts on the population's size, age distribution, and other demographic characteristics. Understanding these trends is important for policymakers and researchers to plan for future population changes.

What is the human pouplation?

As of 2021, the global human population is estimated to be around 7.9 billion. This number is constantly changing due to births, deaths, and migration patterns. The population is projected to continue growing in the coming decades.

Why does it appear that the human population does not follow the logistic growth curve?

The human population doesn't perfectly fit the logistic growth curve due to various factors, such as technological advancements that increase carrying capacity, migration patterns, and social dynamics influencing birth rates. Additionally, unpredictable events like wars, diseases, or natural disasters can disrupt population growth patterns. These complexities make it challenging for human population growth to conform strictly to a logistic model.

What is the study of the earth and patterns of human activities that place on its surface?

The study of the earth and patterns of human activities that take place on its surface is known as human geography. This field focuses on how people interact with the environment, including topics such as population, migration, urbanization, and cultural landscapes.

What are segregating sites in population genetics?

Segregating sites are positions in the genome where different individuals in a population have different nucleotides. These sites are important in studying genetic variation within a population and can be used to infer evolutionary relationships and patterns. The presence of segregating sites indicates genetic diversity within a population.

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Which factor that influences population patterns do you think is the most important?

physical geography,rural population.

What is the definition of population patterns?

Population patterns refer to the distribution, composition, and characteristics of a population within a specific geographical area. This includes trends in population growth, age structure, migration patterns, and density over time. These patterns can provide insights into social, economic, and political dynamics within a society.

The scientific study of human population is called?

Demography is the scientific study of human population, including factors such as birth rates, death rates, and migration patterns. It allows for the analysis and projection of population trends and patterns over time.

Influx of population had on the physical environment of the United states?

The region has grown in population overall, but that growth masks two defining population patterns.

Why did population patterns change so often during the Great Depression?

Families moving in search of work is why the population patterns changed so often during The Great Depression. The depression was felt around the world.

Compare short and long history patterns with respect to population growth?

Short history patterns of population growth typically exhibit fluctuations influenced by factors such as disease outbreaks, wars, and natural disasters. Long history patterns, on the other hand, show overall upward trends driven by advancements in healthcare, technology, and agriculture. Additionally, long history patterns may also reflect migration patterns and industrialization impacts on population growth over centuries.

Are long- or short-term changes in population patterns or characteristics?

i like corndogs

How did the war change patterns of population movement and settelements in the US?

dont know the answer

What patterns do you think world population might have in the future?

It will increase very much

What patterns you think world population might have in the future?

It will increase very much

How do patterns in population affect people around the world?

it says hi and farts