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Q: What are part of cell membranes and store energy?
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Are protein part of cell membranes and store energy?

no proteins do not store energy they help active transport

What Organic compound that is used to store energy and forms important parts of biological membranes?

Lipids serve as the organic compound used to store energy and form important parts of biological membranes. They include fats, oils, phospholipids, and steroids.

Are proteins part of the cell membranes and store energy?

Proteins are an essential component of cell membranes as they help maintain structure and function. While proteins do not store energy like carbohydrates and fats, they can participate in energy production through metabolic processes such as cellular respiration.

What is the name of the part on both the animal and plant cell which is the energy store for the cell?


What a re cell membranes classified as?

part of the cell

What is an organic compound called that is used to store energy ad forms important part of biological membranes?


How are dietary fats used by the body?

To provide energy, form part of cell membranes and help regulate cells.

What is an organic compound called that is to store energy and forms important part of biological membranes?

A lipid organic compound is used to store energy and forms important parts of biological membranes.lipids

What part of the cell makes cell membranes?

Outer covering .

What cell part receives nerve impulses and hormones from other?

receptor molecules on cell membranes receptor molecules on cell membranes

What makes up part of the Cell's membranes?

The main 'component' of the Cell's membranes are fatty acids, also known as lipids.

What is the part of the cell that is a stack of membranes?

tubular cells