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In an ecology sense, a pandemic species is one that is widely distributed throughout a country or continent. Its opposite is endemic, meaning species only found in a particular region.

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4mo ago

Pandemic species are species that have a global distribution and are found across multiple continents or regions. They are able to thrive in different environments and are often successful at adapting to varied conditions, contributing to their widespread distribution. Examples include common species like humans or certain types of insects.

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Q: What are pandemic species?
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When is the next pandemic going to occur?

It is difficult to predict when the next pandemic will occur as it depends on various factors such as the emergence of new infectious agents and global preparedness measures. However, experts continuously monitor potential threats and work to prevent and control outbreaks before they escalate into pandemics.

Is the spanish influenza a plague?

The Spanish influenza was a severe worldwide flu pandemic that occurred in 1918, causing millions of deaths. While it had devastating consequences, it is more commonly referred to as a pandemic rather than a plague, as plagues are typically associated with infectious diseases that spread rapidly and cause widespread illness and death over an extended period of time.

When and where did the rate increase for world hunger?

The global hunger rate increased in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, affecting regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Latin America. The pandemic exacerbated existing challenges like food insecurity, poverty, and disruptions in food supply chains.

Look at the map below. What conclusion does this data support about the AIDS pandemic?

AIDS has been most devastating to underdeveloped regions of the world.

What is the connection between genetic diversity small gene pools and extinction?

The assumption is that a diverse gene pool insulates a species from extinction because, with so many more individuals there is a greater chance that some will survive or adapt if the environment changes or there is an epidemic. Smaller gene pools especially those of highly adapted animals (ones that eat only bamboo or eucalyptus leaves as examples) are more subject to extinction due to changes that eliminate their food source. Likewise, a pandemic may kill so many individuals that the species cannot recover.