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Organisms that have the same food source and live in the same habitat are called competitors. They compete for limited resources such as food, water, and shelter, which can lead to adaptations and behaviors that help one species outcompete the other.

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Q: What are organisms that have the same food source and live in the same habitat called?
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The area where the organisms live?

The area where organisms live is called their habitat. It provides the necessary resources like food, water, and shelter for the organisms to survive and reproduce. Habitats can vary in size and characteristics, from oceans and forests to deserts and grasslands.

What is an energy source called?

For machines it is called fuel and for living organisms it is called food.

How are the terms autotroph food chain and heterotroph related?

They are all terms that are used to talk about organisms in a habitat. Autotrophs are the producers (plants) heterotrophs are organisms that cannot produce their own food and eat other organisms for food. A food chain shows a series of organisms each dependent on the next as a source of food

What are the difference between a habitat and a food chain?

A habitat is the environment an organism naturally lives in. A food chain is the order in which organisms consume other organisms for energy.

The levels to which organisms are assigned based on their main food source are called?

Trophic Levels

What is the place where groups of organisms live and grow called?

Niches within habitats are where organisms live. Organisms claim certain parts of their homelands in order to find their eating, exercising, mating, and resting needs met.

Name the organism that is the source of all food in an ecosystem-?

An organism that is the source of all food in an ecosystem is called a producer. A consumer gets its energy by feeding on other organisms.

What is the term for the roles organisms play in food chains?


How can this organism survive in its habitat?

because a habitat provides appropriate food,shelter and temperature for the organisms living in it.....

Are ducks and amphibians that live in or near a pond called a habitat?

No habitat refers to the environment not the organisms. Habitat refers to physical factors such as soil, moisture, range of temperature, and light intensity as well as biotic factors such as the availability of food.

Category of organisms that eat other orginisms for their food?

Carnivores are organisms that consume other organisms as their primary food source. This can include animals that hunt and kill their prey, as well as scavengers that feed on already dead animals.

What are the four basic components of a habitat?

The four basic components of a habitat are food, water, shelter, and space. These elements are essential for the survival and well-being of the organisms living in that habitat. Each component plays a crucial role in supporting the various needs of the inhabitants.