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The most general answer is a consumer, which is then divided into carnivores (which eat other animals), herbivores (which eat plants) and detrivores (which eat non-living organic material).

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Q: Organisms that live in or on another organism to obtain food directly are called?
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What is call organisms that eats another organisms?

An organism that eats another organism is called a consumer.

What is it called when an organisms eats another organism?

If the organism is eating another its a carnivore.

What is an organism called that lives in or on another organism for the purpose of obtaining food?

An organism that lives in or on another organism for the purpose of obtaining food is called a parasite. Parasites can harm their host organism by sapping nutrients or causing damage to tissues.

What must eat other organisms for food?

An organism that eats other organisms for energy are known as heterotrophs.

What are organisms that eats other animals?

Animals that eat other organisms are called carnivores, or sometimes secondary consumers.

What is the relationship between organisms where one organism benefits and the other organism is not affected?

It is called Commensalism- a relationship in which one organism benefits from another organism but does not harm it

What is it called when a virus uses another organism for its own benefit?

It is called viral parasitism or viral exploitation. Viruses rely on host organisms for resources and reproduction, often causing harm to the host in the process.

What is the relationship between organisms called where one organisms live on near or inside another organism?

in relation to cells it is endosymbiosis

What is an organism that eats another organisms?

An organism that eats another organism for food is called a predator. They play a key role in maintaining balance in ecosystems by controlling the population of other species.

Eats other organism for food?

An organism that eats other organisms for food is called a predator. Predators play a key role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystem by controlling the population of their prey.

What is any organism that eat another organism call?

An organism that eats another organism is called a consumer.

What is an organism called that gets its energy directly from the sun?

An organism that gets its energy directly from the sun is called a primary producer or autotroph. These organisms use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy, which is then used for growth and development. Examples include plants and some types of bacteria.