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because all living organisms are born with genes that make them unique. They are passed down by our parents. when a disease or predator comes into an environment, only the creatures with the gene to survive or live through the 'disaster or problem.' this is usually called survival of the fittest due to only the best or 'fittest' are able to survive. Then the creature that survived has off spring that in turn get that gene and allows for the offspring to survive as well. this alters the species and usually considered a mutation. Like humans used to have webbed feet, but the first human or ape that lost the webbed feet was able to survive and thus continued the mutation until today it is accepted as normal versus our original webbed feet. Because those best equipped to "survive" prosper. They were the "most fit" to endure and prosper in their particular environment. It is described as the survival of the fittest is because the more an animal is fit for his or her environment the better chances it has of survival. If the animal is fit it will be able to catch his or her prey and if not he or she will die of starvation.

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16y ago
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3mo ago

Natural selection is the process by which organisms that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to their offspring. "Survival of the fittest" is a term used to describe this concept, where those individuals with advantageous traits have a higher chance of survival and passing on their genes to the next generation.

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14y ago

It isn't really quite the same. "Survival of the fittest" is more like an imperfect metaphor for natural selection. Those that are best fitted tend to be those that survive and breed. However, that needn't always be the case.

Another difficulty is that people are inclined to simplify what "fittest" must mean. To attempt a simplification of my own as a hypothetical illustration. Imagine, if you will, three organisms of the same species in a situation where there happen to be enough resources to support only two. One is equipped with the musculature of Hercules, and can easily beat up either of the two weaker rivals. In that regard, it could be said to be the physically fittest. However, that needn't mean it's the "fittest" when it comes to survival prospects. The two weaklings could conceivably cooperate, and kill off the stronger individual. Nature is chock-a-block with examples of cooperation; strategies I like to term the survival of the friendliest.

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13y ago

This is because of the way natural selection selects what animals will evolve into what, whatever can make the animal or plant more fit into its environment. For example, if one camel has long legs while the other one is short and stout, the camel with long legs will survive into the next generation because it is better suited to living in a desert than the short-legged camel.

Not all animals naturally selected are specifically for their environment. Some are just the result of a mutation that was thrown into their genes a few million years ago that somehow was passed on. A good example would be the Elephant's trunk. Thirty or forty million years ago, an animal was born with a large nose. A female liked this, so she mated with him and gave birth to animals with long noses. As the line progressed, the nose became longer and longer until it became prehensile, or used for gripping. Others, such as a rhinoceros' horn, a chameleon's long tongue and a Parasaurolophus' crest can be used as good examples of evolutionary mishaps that turned into useful tools.

Survival of the fittest is about which organism can survive and reproduce not which is the strongest or fastest

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12y ago

Darwin's Theory of Evolution is that there are hereditary traits that are changes between individuals and the environment which makes it difficult to survive in. Those animals that have inherited traits that allow the animals to better survive in the environment will make more outside the rest of the population. Over time, the "fittest" animals will survive.

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12y ago

Because Charles Darwin's theory states that animals will be in competition for prey, the best shelter, mates etc. And most importantly which animal can adapt to its surroundings the best. Therefore the survival of the fittest means that when natural selection takes the best genetics from each parent and gives it to the next generation letting it be the fittest and best of them all. The survival of the fittest means every animal is in competition for the same things which is what natural selection is.

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12y ago

The speicies or subjects most well equipped for survival will prevail and the others will die out by the hand of the equipped.

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Q: What are natural selection and the term survival of the fittest?
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What is another term of survival fittest?

"Natural selection" is another term often used to describe the concept of survival of the fittest in evolutionary theory.

What term can be used to describe natural selection?

Survival of the fittest

What is another term for survival for the fittest?

Natural selection. A much more accurate term.

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The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

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Natural selection- which is the mechanism driving evolution

What term be used to describe evolution by natural selection?

The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

What is another terms for survival of the fittest?

Natural selection. A much more accurate term.

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The term "survival of the fittest" was coined by Herbert Spencer, not Charles Darwin. Spencer used the term to describe his interpretation of Darwin's ideas about natural selection. Darwin's preferred term was "natural selection."

What term can be used to describe evolution by natural selection'?

The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

What term can be used to describe evolution by natural?

The term that is often incorrectly used to describe evolution by natural selection is "survival of the fittest."

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Natural selection.

What is another term for the surivival of the fittest?

Natural selection