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constant droughts, flooding in some parts

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Q: What are natural hazards in Kenya?
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What two natural hazards occur in Kenya?

well the most common hazard in Kenya are usually when its really hot or when that no food that not a hazard but its mostly to be one

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What are the natural hazards of Argentina?

I think the natural hazards are earthquakes and hurricane's.

Why are some hazards like floods socio-natural hazards?

why are some hazards like floods social -natural hazarts

When was Center for Natural Hazards Research created?

Center for Natural Hazards Research was created in 2001.

Are there any natural hazards in Malta?

There are no natural hazards in Malta (according to the CIA World Factbook).

Kenya's natural resources?

the natural resources of Kenya are, gold, limestone, soda ash, salt barites, and garnets

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There are many natural hazards that can be found in Germany. These natural hazards include but are not limited to tornadoes.

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What is the difference between natural hazards and man made hazards?

Natural hazards are events caused by natural forces such as earthquakes, hurricanes, or floods, whereas man-made hazards are events that result from human activities, such as industrial accidents, terrorism, or infrastructure failures. While natural hazards are typically beyond human control, man-made hazards can often be mitigated through careful planning and regulation.

What are the natural hazards in Haiti?
