dicot seeds
Coriander seeds are dicot
Orange seeds are dicot seeds. Dicot seeds have two seed leaves (cotyledons) when they germinate, whereas monocot seeds have only one seed leaf.
The rice plant is a monocot.
The weight of a monocot seed can vary depending on the species. On average, monocot seeds such as wheat or corn typically weigh a few milligrams to a few grams each.
dicot seeds
a monocot plant can have many seeds but each seed is with only one cotyledon.
Coriander seeds are dicot
on a corn cob
monocot and dicot
Orange seeds are dicot seeds. Dicot seeds have two seed leaves (cotyledons) when they germinate, whereas monocot seeds have only one seed leaf.
Each monocot seed in the family Poaceae is a Caryopsisfruit. In other families it may be a nut. All the monocot seeds are endospermic.
No, ajwain seed is not a monocot seed. Ajwain seed belongs to the family Apiaceae, also known as the carrot or parsley family, which is a dicot family. Monocot seeds, on the other hand, belong to the monocotyledon class of flowering plants, characterized by having seeds with only one cotyledon or seed leaf.
an inderterminate amount - it is not fixed
there are about 200 types
an inderterminate amount - it is not fixed