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Lines of Barometric pressure

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Q: What are lines on a map that join places that have equal air pressure?
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Lines on a weather map that join places with the same air pressure are called?

Isobars. These lines connect points of equal atmospheric pressure and are used to show areas of high and low pressure on a weather map.

What does it mean when lines are close together on a topographic map?

If the lines are contours - it signifies that the land is steeper the closer the lines are drawn

What are lines on a maps that join places that have the same airpressure?


Line drawn on a topographic map to join points of equal elevation?

lines of equal elevation are called contour lines.

What are the lines on a map that join the places having the same temperature?


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Do isobars join places that have the same air pressure?


What are lines on a weather map than join places that have the same temp?

Isolines, specifically isotherms, are lines on a weather map that connect points of equal temperature. This helps to visualize temperature patterns and gradients across a geographic area.

How are isobars used to show pressure centers?

Isobars are lines on a weather map that connect points of equal atmospheric pressure. The spacing and arrangement of isobars can indicate the location and strength of pressure systems, such as high-pressure centers (anticyclones) and low-pressure centers (cyclones). High pressure is typically associated with closely spaced isobars, while low pressure is associated with more widely spaced isobars.

What connects locations of equal temperature?

Isotherm lines connect locationss of equal temperature on a weather map.The two parts of the word isotherm are: isomeaning "same" and therm meaning "temperature".(A similar construction is used for isobar, meaning a line of equal pressure.)

What do isoseismal lines join?

Joins up points of equal intensities separating different intensities on a map.

What does an isomap show you?

All isomaps have lines on them that join points of equal measurement. The measurement is elevation above sea level.