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Leaves in one part are called simple leaves. Simple leaves consist of a single continuous blade, as opposed to compound leaves which are divided into multiple leaflets.

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Q: What are leaves in one part called?
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What are modified leaves called that are found on embryonic plants?

The modified leaves that are found in embryonic plants are called cotyledons. Cotyledons are the first leaves produced by the plant. They are not true leaves and are considered to be seed-leaves because they are a part of the seed or embryo of the plant.

What part of the plant is involve in food production?

leaves the leaves absorb sunlight to make the plants food, starch. This process is called photosynthesis.

What is the most beautiful part of a plant called?

The flowers and the leaves

What part of the tree takes in the CO2?

The leaves are the one who get carbon dioxide but, the leaves also make oxygen for us to breathe.

What is the main part of a leaf called?

Each leaf typically has a leaf blade ( lamina ), stipules, a midrib, and a margin. Some leaves have a petiole, which attaches the leaf to the stem; leaves that do not have petioles are directly attached to the plant stem and are called sessile leaves.

How do the water and nutrients get to the leaves?

Through a process called osmosis and another one called photosynthesis.

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The first part of a seed to emerge is a small sprout called the radical, which will develop to form the root system of the new plant. The first above-ground part is a stem containing the cotyledons (either one or two depending on the plant type); these resemble small leaves, but will drop off once true leaves have developed.

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The leaves of conifers are called 'needles'

Which Part Of The Plant takes in carcondioxide?

The Part of the plant takes in Co2 is The Leaves The Part of the plant takes in Co2 is The Leaves

What is it called when water evaporates from the leaves of leaves?

This phenomenon is called transpiration.

What is called the leaves of Mushroom?

Mushrooms do not have leaves.