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Q: What are layers or ridges of glacial till?
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What are some features formed by glacial deposition?

Some features formed by glacial deposition include moraines (ridges of till), drumlins (elongated hills), eskers (sinuous ridges of sand and gravel), and kettles (depressions formed by melting ice blocks).

What is the glacial landform for mounds or ridges of till?

The glacial landform for mounds or ridges of till is called moraines. Moraines are formed when glaciers deposit rock material and sediment that they have eroded and carried as they move. They can be found along the sides, in the middle, or at the terminus of a glacier.

What glacial features results from deposition?

Moraines, drumlins, eskers, and outwash plains are glacial features that result from deposition. Moraines are ridges of till deposited along the edges of a glacier, drumlins are elongated hills of glacial till, eskers are long, winding ridges of sand and gravel, and outwash plains are flat areas of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater streams flowing away from the glacier.

What are the different types of glacial deposition?

The main types of glacial deposition are till, moraines, drumlins, eskers, and outwash plains. Till is unsorted sediment deposited directly by the glacier, while moraines are ridges of till deposited at the glacier's margin. Drumlins are smooth, elongated hills formed under glacial ice, eskers are winding ridges of sand and gravel deposited by meltwater streams, and outwash plains are flat areas of sorted sediment deposited beyond the glacier by meltwater.

What are mounds or ridges of till?

Mounds or ridges of till are glacial landforms formed when glaciers deposit large quantities of unsorted sediments, called till, as they advance and retreat. These features can take various shapes and sizes and are typically found in areas where glaciers have recently melted or receded, highlighting the glacier's path of movement.

Can you describe a till?

Till could be referring to a shortened version of until, or a glacial till which is unsorted glacial sediment.

Why is the glacial till not folded?

Glacial till is generally composed of unconsolidated and poorly sorted material, such as sand, clay, and gravel, without a preferred orientation. This lack of internal structure makes it difficult for glacial till to be folded like more homogenous rock layers that exhibit distinct bedding planes. Additionally, the pressure exerted by glaciers during deposition tends to compact and deform the till, making it less susceptible to folding.

Why do some glacial deposition have sorted sediments while others do not?

Glacial sediments that are sorted are due to flowing water in the glacier. Unsorted sediments are those that have thawed out of the ice randomly.

What is unsorted rock material that is deposited by ice when the ice melts?

The unsorted rock material deposited by ice when it melts is called glacial till. Glacial till can vary in size from clay to boulders and is typically a mixture of rock types that were picked up and carried by the moving glacier.

How is moraine formed?

glacial till.

What does presence of the peat and soil layer in the glacial till tell you?


How do you determine glacial till?

Glacial till is determined by examining the size and composition of the sediment deposited by glaciers. It typically consists of a mix of different sizes of rocks, gravel, sand, and clay. Additionally, glacial till may exhibit angular and unsorted characteristics due to the unsorted manner in which it is deposited by glacial ice.