

What are large amount of gas?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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Q: What are large amount of gas?
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Carbon dioxide

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Mainly because Norway has a large amount of oil and gas.

Does every volcano eruption emits large amount of gas?

No each is different

Do all volcanic eruptions emit a large amount of gas?

No, not all volcanic eruptions emit a large amount of gas. The gas emission during an eruption depends on various factors such as the type of volcano, the composition of the magma, and the intensity of the eruption. Some eruptions may release a significant amount of gas, while others may produce less.

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Texas produces the greatest amount of helium for any US state, because one large gas field in Texas happens to have natural gas with a relatively large concentration of helium.

What is the source of the large amount of energy released in nuclear power plants and in the sun?

Hydrogen gas

What happens if you add a large amount of heat to a liquid?

The liquid may boil and become a gas.

Kari is driving across the country The longer she drives after filling her gas tank the more gas she will have to put in next time she fills up?

The amount of gas Kari has to put in her tank is a function of how long she has driven since she last put gas in.

Which type of volcano has explosive eruptions due to thick magma which contains large amount of pressurized gas?

the stratovolcano

What happens to the gas pressure if the gas is released from a small container to a large container?

When you release it into the larger container the pressure reduces from the previous amount so the gas can completely fill the larger container.

Which type of volcano has explosive eruptions due to thick magma which contains a large amount pf pressurized gas?

A stratovolcano, also known as a composite volcano, is the type of volcano that has explosive eruptions due to thick magma containing a large amount of pressurized gas. The build-up of pressure from the trapped gas within the viscous magma leads to explosive eruptions that can be highly destructive.