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Q: What are intergral proteins which change solute permeability in response to binding specific molecules?
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The foreign or nonself proteins that trigger immune responses are called?

An immune response is based on the ability to distinguish molecules that are part of the body ("self") from those that are not ("nonself," or foreign). Such molecules that can elicit an immune response are called antigens.

Proteins involved in facilitated diffusion arereceptor proteins?

Proteins involved in facilitated diffusion are typically carrier proteins or channel proteins. These proteins help transport specific molecules across the cell membrane by binding to them and facilitating their movement down a concentration gradient. Receptor proteins, on the other hand, are involved in cell signaling and response to extracellular stimuli.

Difference between receptor proteins and carrier proteins?

Receptor proteins are specialized proteins that bind specific molecules, such as hormones or neurotransmitters, triggering a cellular response. Carrier proteins, on the other hand, are involved in transport processes, helping to move molecules across cellular membranes. While receptor proteins facilitate communication and signaling within the cell, carrier proteins play a more functional role in transporting molecules.

What protein receives chemical messages for the cell?

The protein that receives chemical messages for the cell is usually a receptor protein. These proteins are located on the cell membrane and can bind to specific signaling molecules, such as hormones or neurotransmitters, to trigger a cellular response.

Glycoproteins are membrane proteins?

Glycoproteins are proteins that have carbohydrate molecules attached to them. They are commonly found on the cell membrane and play a variety of roles, such as cell signaling, adhesion, and immune response.

Related questions

What are small molecules that must combine with large proteins to become immunogenic?

Small molecules that must combine with large proteins to become immunogenic are called haptens. Haptens alone are not immunogenic, but when they bind to proteins in the body, they can elicit an immune response.

The foreign or nonself proteins that trigger immune responses are called?

An immune response is based on the ability to distinguish molecules that are part of the body ("self") from those that are not ("nonself," or foreign). Such molecules that can elicit an immune response are called antigens.

Proteins are an important class of molecules because of the functions they perform. Proteins can .?

Proteins can act as enzymes, catalyzing chemical reactions in the body. They also play a crucial role in the structure and function of cells and tissues, including muscle growth and repair. Additionally, proteins are involved in transport of molecules, immune response, and cell signaling.

How are receptors and transport proteins similar?

they are both components of the cell membrane

Proteins involved in facilitated diffusion arereceptor proteins?

Proteins involved in facilitated diffusion are typically carrier proteins or channel proteins. These proteins help transport specific molecules across the cell membrane by binding to them and facilitating their movement down a concentration gradient. Receptor proteins, on the other hand, are involved in cell signaling and response to extracellular stimuli.

Difference between receptor proteins and carrier proteins?

Receptor proteins are specialized proteins that bind specific molecules, such as hormones or neurotransmitters, triggering a cellular response. Carrier proteins, on the other hand, are involved in transport processes, helping to move molecules across cellular membranes. While receptor proteins facilitate communication and signaling within the cell, carrier proteins play a more functional role in transporting molecules.

Small molecules that bind with self-proteins to produce antigenic substances are called?

Haptens. Haptens are small molecules that bind with self-proteins to create larger antigenic substances that the immune system may recognize as foreign and mount an immune response against.

What protein receives chemical messages for the cell?

The protein that receives chemical messages for the cell is usually a receptor protein. These proteins are located on the cell membrane and can bind to specific signaling molecules, such as hormones or neurotransmitters, to trigger a cellular response.

Glycoproteins are membrane proteins?

Glycoproteins are proteins that have carbohydrate molecules attached to them. They are commonly found on the cell membrane and play a variety of roles, such as cell signaling, adhesion, and immune response.

What are functions of proteins in organisms?

Proteins serve various functions in organisms, such as structural support, enzymatic catalysis, transportation of molecules, immune response, and regulation of gene expression. They are essential for growth, repair, and maintenance of cells and tissues in the body.

Why is permeability of ferromagnetic material is so high?

The high permeability of ferromagnetic materials is due to the alignment of magnetic domains within the material, which allows for easy movement of magnetic flux. This alignment creates a strong magnetic response to an applied magnetic field, leading to high magnetic permeability.

What is permeability in electromagnetism?

Permeability is the measure of the ability of a material to support the formation of a magnetic field within itself.(Degree of magnetization that a material obtains in response to an applied magnetic field.) It is represented by the Greek letter μ.