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Hot luxuriant zones are typically referred to as tropical zones or tropical regions. These areas are characterized by high temperatures, abundant rainfall, and rich biodiversity.

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How do you use luxuriant in a sentence?

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What is a sentence for luxuriant?

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The luxuriant forest was intoxicating.

An area of fighting in a war?

For the men on the ground, we called it "...a contact area". When in the air (being transported by choppers) they were called "hot LZs" (hot landing zones).

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Earth's polar zones are also called the Earth's Frigid Zones.

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The most luxuriant vegetation found in any climatic realm is the?

tropical rainforest, which is characterized by its dense and diverse vegetation, including towering trees, lush vines, and abundant epiphytes. This type of vegetation thrives in the hot and humid conditions of the tropics, where rainfall is plentiful year-round, allowing for high levels of productivity and biodiversity.

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Are hot spots located over rising calderas?

Hot spots are not typically associated with rising calderas. Hot spots are regions of high volcanic activity caused by a fixed mantle plume that generates magma, while calderas are large volcanic craters typically formed by the collapse of a volcano after an eruption. However, hot spots can create volcanic activity that might eventually lead to the formation of calderas in certain cases.

What is the adjective for luxury?

Adjective forms related to the noun luxury are luxuriousand luxuriant. The word luxuriant preferentially means profuse (vegetation) or thick (hair).

What are three principal climate zones in which the Aztecs existed?

The three principal climate zones in which the Aztecs existed were the highland zone (temperate climate), the valley zone (mild climate), and the tropical lowland zone (hot and humid climate). These zones influenced the type of crops grown and the lifestyle of the Aztec civilization.