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Heredity factors determined at conception include the genetic material passed down from the parents, such as DNA sequences and genes. These factors influence physical characteristics, behaviors, and predispositions to various health conditions in an individual. They play a significant role in shaping an individual's traits and development throughout their life.

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Q: What are heredity factors determined at conception?
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Related questions

What heredity refers to factors determined at conception?

Heredity refers to the passing of genetic information from parents to offspring at the time of conception. These genetic factors play a significant role in determining an individual's physical traits, behaviors, and susceptibility to certain diseases.

When is heredity determined?

Heredity is determined during cell division.

What philosopher stated that behavior is determined by environment instead of heredity?

John B. Watson, a behaviorist psychologist, argued that behavior is primarily determined by environmental factors rather than heredity. He believed that individuals are shaped by their surroundings and experiences through a process of conditioning.

Can you give me one good sentence using the word heredity?

Heredity determined the color of her eyes.

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In plants, the factors are heredity, nutrition, and environment. In animals, the factors are heredity, nutrition, environment, and exercise.

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The nonliving parts of an organism's environment are called abiotic factors.

What are two examples of the influence of heredity on personality?

Heredity can influence personality traits such as shyness or extroversion, as these characteristics may be inherited from parents or ancestors. Genetic factors can also contribute to mental health conditions like anxiety or depression, as these conditions can run in families due to hereditary factors.

What factors directly influence your personality traits?

A combination of heredity and enviroment.

What are the categories of risk factors?

heredity, environmental, and ?

What are important human growth factors?

nutrition, heredity and hormones