The answer to this question is unknown to the human race and monkies alike. I'm sorry inform you of these facts of life. Please have a good day and God bless!
All edibles at the South Pole are brought in based on what suppliers can send in. Foodstuffs are acquired wherever the lowest bidder has been able to purchase them. They are generally frozen or dried foodstuffs, with fresh produce at a premium, and rarely available.
They are known as Nutrients and they come in the form of Water and Air, ranging all the way up to Foodstuffs [and Sleep!].
Green algae can be found in foods such as nori (seaweed used in sushi rolls), spirulina, chlorella, and agar-agar (a vegetarian gelatin substitute). These foods are often used in various dishes for their nutritional benefits and unique flavors.
Villi are largely present in the lower digestive tract. Their function is not only to absorb the digested foodstuffs but also they greatly increase the surface area for absorption.
Foodstuffs was created in 1922.
There are several ways to preserve foodstuffs, within a household. The most common way to preserve foodstuffs is to freeze or refrigerate them.
spices, foodstuffs, silk, and timber
Imported Goods:machinery, vehicles, chemicals, foodstuffs, textiles, metalsExported Goods:machinery, vehicles, chemicals, metals and manufactures, foodstuffs, textiles
The plural form of foodstuff is foodstuffs.
Timber, dyes, foodstuffs, jewelry.
-Cars -Prepared Foodstuffs
machinery and equipment, chemicals and foodstuffs
Machinery, fuel, chemicals and foodstuffs
Manufactured goods, chemicals, foodstuffs