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Fixation and deposition are part of the process of nutrient cycling in ecosystems. Fixation involves converting atmospheric nitrogen into a usable form by certain organisms, while deposition involves the accumulation of nutrients, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, on the surface of the Earth through natural processes like precipitation. Together, these processes contribute to the availability of essential nutrients for plants and other organisms in the ecosystem.

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Q: What are fixation and deposition part of?
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How is notrogen fixation a necessary part of the nitrogen cycle?

Plants use nitrogen a N- and air has N2. Nitrogen fixation changes nitrogen into a form that plants can use.

How is deposition a part of the erosion process?

Deposition is the process by which eroded sediment is dropped or settled in a new location. It often occurs after erosion has transported sediment away from its source. Deposition contributes to shaping landscapes by forming features like beaches, deltas, and alluvial plains.

Are mitochondria involved in carbon fixation?

They do not fix carbon.Chloplast involve in carbon fixation.

What is nitrogen fixation and who can do this?

Conversion of inert elemental nitrogen gas into biologically usable form is called nitrogen fixation. Organism that performs nitrogen fixation is Rhizobium Leguminous.

What is a sentence for the word nitrogen fixation?

I discovered that a nitrogen fixation has a bacteria. -high school student

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What is sandbar part of erosion or deposition?

A sandbar is typically formed through deposition. It occurs when sediment, usually sand, is deposited by ocean currents or waves, building up a ridge or bar along a shoreline or in a body of water. This deposition process helps to create new landforms and habitats along coastlines.

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How is notrogen fixation a necessary part of the nitrogen cycle?

Plants use nitrogen a N- and air has N2. Nitrogen fixation changes nitrogen into a form that plants can use.

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Maintain part B of the form, as you are the capturing unit.

What part of a cycle shapes and reshapes land?

Erosion and deposition are the parts of the cycle that shape and reshape land. Erosion by water, wind, or ice removes soil and rock, while deposition involves the settling of eroded materials in new locations, changing the landscape over time.

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What is the process in which nitrogen is converted into a usable form for life called?

The process by which nitrogen gas is converted into a usable form for life is called nitrogen fixation. This process is carried out by certain types of bacteria and archaea, which convert nitrogen gas into ammonia or other nitrogen-containing compounds that can be used by plants and other organisms.

Which is not an acid typically formed in the atmosphere as part of acid deposition?

Hydrocloric acid.

When does fixation mean?

And human growthwhen does fixation mean

Process of wage fixation and the machinery?

Wage fixation involves determining the appropriate level of pay for employees based on factors like job responsibilities, market rates, and employee performance. The process can be carried out through negotiations between employers and employees, collective bargaining agreements, government regulations, or through an independent wage-fixing machinery such as a wage board. This machinery typically includes expert panels or committees that assess various factors to set fair and competitive wage rates.

What is neuropexy?

Literallty means 'Nerve Fixation' Or 'Fixation of a Nerve'.

How is deposition a part of the erosion process?

Deposition is the process by which eroded sediment is dropped or settled in a new location. It often occurs after erosion has transported sediment away from its source. Deposition contributes to shaping landscapes by forming features like beaches, deltas, and alluvial plains.