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  1. The glaciers flows unevenly beneath the surface, and regions of tension and compression build under the brittlesurface. As aresult, large cracks, called crevasses.
  2. Some parts of the ice sheets may move out over the ocean and form ice shelves.
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11y ago
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13y ago

Cold, indeed somewhat icy. Must be moving for it to be a glacier. (Non moving form is an ice sheet). must be permanent and more than 1 sq mi in area.

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13y ago

Valleys, mountains,canyon's, and hilly areas are all made by glaciers. One of the most outstanding is Yosemite National Park. The entire park was created by a glacier and it is wonderful.

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9y ago

A glacier moves as solid, not a liquid, so movement is slow. Their movement is dependent upon accumulation and wastage.

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12y ago

Cold, lots of ice, large, and they are melting.

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Q: What are features left behind glaciers?
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Because of the depressions that the glaciers left behind.

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As the glaciers retreated, they left rocks and boulders behind.

When deposits of till build up What is left behind?

When deposits of till build up, they can leave behind various landforms such as moraines, drumlins, eskers, and outwash plains. These features are created by the movement of glaciers and the deposition of sediments as the glacier retreats.

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What different kinds of material was left behind glaciers?

You must mean left begins by glaciers! Well there was big boulders for starters. And I think as they receded they left big hills and valleys called coulees! Hope this helps!

What is a Long scratch marks that are left behind as evidence of glaciers are called?

They are called striations.

What are moraines and drumlins created by?

When glaciers advance or retreat, the sediments left behind create a moraine. Drumlins are created by the flow of glaciers that mold sediment into streamlined, elongated hills.

What do glaciers leave behind as the retreat?

As glaciers retreat, they leave behind deposits of rocks.

Where is the morianes?

Moraines are the rocks, stones, pebbles, and fragments of rocks carried along at the base of glaciers. You can also see Moraines in the valleys left behind after the glaciers melted at the end of the last Ice Age.

How did glaciers impact Minnesota?

Glaciers played a significant role in shaping Minnesota's landscape by creating its lakes, rivers, and rolling hills. They also deposited rich layers of soil, making the state fertile for agriculture. Glacial retreat left behind distinct features like kettle lakes and moraines that contribute to the state's unique geography.

What landscape features do glaciers form?

Glaciers can form various landscape features, including U-shaped valleys, cirques, aretes, and moraines. These features are created as glaciers erode and deposit material as they flow over the land.

What geographic features do Europe possess?

Mountains and glaciers.