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Some examples of resistant rocks include granite, quartzite, and basalt. These rocks are able to withstand weathering and erosion processes better than other types of rocks, making them more durable and long-lasting.

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Q: What are examples of resistant rock?
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Why is the condition of a rock an important factor?

The condition of a rock provides information about its formation history, durability, and potential uses. It can help geologists understand the geological processes that shaped the rock and determine its suitability for construction, decoration, or other applications. Ultimately, the condition of a rock impacts how it behaves and interacts with its environment.

What are rocks that are resistant to erosion called?

Rocks that are resistant to erosion are called "erosion-resistant rocks" or "durable rocks." Examples include granite, sandstone, and quartzite. These rocks are able to withstand natural forces like wind, water, and ice, which helps them maintain their original shape and structure over time.

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Actually there is no Pokemon fully unaffected to fire types but there are some that are resistant like water, ground, and rock just examples

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Why is igneous rock so resistant to weathering and erosion?

Igneous rocks are resistant to weathering and erosion because they are formed from cooled magma or lava, which solidifies quickly and has a crystalline structure, making it harder for external forces to break down. Additionally, they generally lack internal pores or weaknesses that would make them more susceptible to weathering. Lastly, the mineral composition of igneous rocks often consists of minerals that are chemically stable and less prone to chemical weathering.

Which layer of a rock is most resistant to an earthquake?

The shorter the outcrop, or the lowest it is towards the bottom, the less resistant it is.

Why is asbestos fire resistant?

Asbestos is fire resistant because, as a silicate, it is basically a kind of rock and will not burn.

What is soft rock in geography?

Headlands form along coastlines in which bands of soft and hard rock outcrop at right angles to the coastline.Due to the different nature of the rock erosion occurs at different rates. Less resistant rock erodes more rapidly than less resistant rock.

Which type of rock appear to be the least resistant to weathering and erosion?

Sedimentary rocks like sandstone and limestone tend to be less resistant to weathering and erosion compared to igneous or metamorphic rocks. Their softer composition and structure make them more susceptible to the effects of these processes.

How scratch resistant is the tiger eye rock?

It uses it's claws

Can vinegar dissolve a granite rock?

No. Granite is very chemically resistant.