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Examples are: oxygen hydrogen, bromine, nitrogen, krypton, neon, argon etc.

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Q: What are examples of nonmetallic elements that occur in gaseous state under ordinary conditions?
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There are 11 elements that exist as gases at ordinary conditions: hydrogen, helium, nitrogen, oxygen, fluorine, neon, chlorine, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon.

What happens when magnesium reacts with fluorine?

Under ordinary conditions magnesium burns in fluorine. To see a very brief video search for fluorine reacts with different elements.

What are the names of the gases that exist as a gas in ordinary conditions?

Oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, neon, argon, carbon dioxide, and methane are gases that exist in their gaseous state at ordinary conditions.

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Oxygen and copper are examples of elements. They are both fundamental substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by ordinary chemical processes. Oxygen is a non-metal, while copper is a metal.

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"Elements" Sodium and Chloride.

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What 3 elements are metals?

For cosmologists, all elements except hydrogen and helium are considered to be "metals".For ordinary purposes, some metallic elements are:lithiumberyliumsodiummagnesiumaluminumpotasiumcalciumscanfdiumtitaniumvanadiumchromiummanganeseironcobaltnickelcopperzincgalliumrubidiumstrontiumyttriumzerconiumniobiummolybdenumtechnetiumrutheniumrhodiumpaladiumsilvercadmiumindiumtincesiumbariumlanthanumceriumpraseodymiumneodyniumpromethiumsamariumeuropiumgadoliniumterbiumdysprosiumholmiumerbiumthuliumytterbiumlutetiumhafniumtantaliumtungstenrheniumosmiumiridiumplatiniumgoldMercurythalliumleadbismuthpoloniumfranciumradiumactiniumthoriumprotactinumuraniumneptuniumplutoniumamericiumcuriumberkeliumcaliforiumeinsteiniumfermiummendeleviumnobeliumetc.