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Q: What are examples damage caused by hurricanes?
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What are some examples of a hurricanes destructive force?

Hurricanes are very destructive weather patterns. Examples of the destructive force of hurricanes include property damage, damage to entire cities and towns, death.

What damage is caused by hurricanes and what forces cause the damage to occur?

it destroys the place you live

Hurricanes have caused widespread damage in which state-Texas or Iowa?

its gotta be Iowa

What is the weather that can cause damage?

Hurricanes, hail, lightning, tornados, flooding are all examples of weather that can cause damage.

How does a hurricane damage property?

Hurricanes can cause severe flooding though both rain and through storm surge, which essentially pushes the ocean onto land. These can damage or destroy property. Additional damage is caused by the powerful winds of hurricanes, which can damage roofs and siding and destroy some weaker structures. Hurricanes can also produce severe thunderstorms and tornadoes.

Do all hurricanes cause damage?

Yes, all hurricanes have the potential to cause damage due to their strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surge. The extent of the damage depends on factors such as the intensity of the hurricane, its size, and the vulnerability of the area it impacts.

How can you put the word hurricanes in a sentence?

Hurricanes cause a lot of damage when the hit land. Each year many hurricanes cause damage to buildings.

What are two examples of somatic radiation damage?

Examples of somatic radiation damage include skin burns and cataracts caused by exposure to ionizing radiation.

Which causes more damage a hurricane or tornado?

Hurricanes typically cause more widespread damage due to their larger size and longer duration. They bring strong winds, heavy rainfall, storm surges, and flooding that can impact a wider area for an extended period of time. Tornadoes, on the other hand, are more localized and intense but affect a smaller area compared to hurricanes.

Hurricanes have caused widespread damages in which state- Texas or Iowa?

Hurricanes tend to cause more damage in Texas than in Iowa due to the state's Gulf Coast location, which makes it more vulnerable to hurricane landfalls and associated impacts like strong winds, heavy rainfall, and storm surge. Iowa, being further inland, is less prone to direct hits from hurricanes.

Examples of teratogens?

A teratogen is a factor that causes malformation of an embryo. Examples of this can be damage caused by drugs, viruses, chemicals, and malnutrition.

Are hurricanes caused by the weather?
