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around the nucleous

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Michael Bogisich

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Taya Kuphal

Lvl 10
2y ago

Physical Science, Physics, Chemistry...

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4w ago

Regions in an atom where electrons are likely to be found are called electron shells or energy levels.

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11y ago
  • Electrons are bound inside an electrostatic potential well around the nucleus; ext. energy is needed for the electron to escape.
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9y ago

electron quark (the last answer was a freaking essay)

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13y ago

Electrons in atoms are often conceptually thought of as populating energetically discrete orbitals in various sized shells.

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7y ago

Electrons are in a continuous movememt around the atomic nucleus.

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12y ago

energy level

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Q: What are electron regions called?
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What are regions of space outside the nucleus where electrons travel?

Electron cloud or also called electron orbitals.

The regions within an electron cloud where electrons are located are called?

The regions within an electron cloud where electrons are located are called orbitals. Orbitals describe the probability of finding an electron in a specific region of space around the nucleus.

Regions inside the atom where electrons are likely to be found are called?

Electron orbitals or electron clouds. These regions represent the probability of finding an electron at a specific location around the nucleus of an atom.

What are the different areas of an electron cloud called?

The different areas of an electron cloud are called electron orbitals. These orbitals define the regions in an atom where electrons are most likely to be found. They are categorized by different shapes and energies based on quantum mechanics.

Model with dark bands representing energy levels shows where an atom's electrons are most likely to be?

This model is called the electron cloud model. The dark bands represent regions of high probability of finding electrons, known as electron orbitals. Electrons are most likely to be found in these regions surrounding the nucleus of an atom.

In the electron cloud model the electron cloud is denser in some locations than in others. What do the denser areas represent?

Denser areas in the electron cloud represent regions where there is a higher probability of finding an electron. These areas correspond to regions of higher electron density and show where electrons are more likely to be located around the nucleus.

The electron travels around the nucleus in orbits called what?

The electron travels around the nucleus in orbitals, not orbits. Orbitals are regions of space where there is higher probability of finding an electron.

The region of space where electrons of a certain energy move about the nucleus of an atom?

The region of space where electrons of a certain energy move about the nucleus of an atom is called an electron orbital. Electron orbitals are regions where there is a high probability of finding an electron based on its energy level. Different electron orbitals have different shapes and orientations.

What is defined as the most probable in the electron cloud orbital?

The most probable location of finding an electron in an atom is determined by the electron cloud orbital, which represents the regions where an electron is likely to be found. These regions are shaped by the probability distribution function of the electron within an atom, as described by quantum mechanics.

What are the two regions of an atom What?

The two major regions of an atom are the atomic nucleus and the electron rings surrounding it.

What do the denser areas of an electron cloud represent?

The denser areas of an electron cloud represent regions of higher electron probability density, where electrons are more likely to be found. These regions correspond to the most stable electron configurations around the nucleus of an atom.

Are the broad bands or regions located around the nucleus where the electrons are found called energy rings?

No, the broad bands or regions around the nucleus where electrons are found are called electron shells or energy levels. These shells represent different energy levels for the electrons in an atom.