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Q: What are egg chromosome number of onion?
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How many chromosomes does a egg in an onion have?

An egg in an onion has one set of chromosomes, which means it is haploid. Onions reproduce through a process called mitosis, where the chromosome number is halved.

What is the diploid chromosome number in onion cell?

onion cells have 16 chromosomes. Which is 8 pairs

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What is the chromosomes number of an onion root cell during anaphase?

The chromosomes number is 8 in an onion root cell during interphase.

What process union of egg and sperm restores chromosome number?

The union of an egg and sperm restores the chromosome number through the process of fertilization. During fertilization, the haploid egg and haploid sperm fuse to form a diploid zygote, which contains the full complement of chromosomes (46 in humans). This restores the normal chromosome number in the resulting offspring.

Which Forms cells with half the chromosome number of the parent cell?

Sex cells, such as sperm and egg cells, are formed through the process of meiosis, which results in cells with half the chromosome number of the parent cell. This reduction in chromosome number is essential for sexual reproduction and ensures that when the sperm and egg cells combine during fertilization, the resulting zygote will have the normal chromosome number.

The chromosome number in an egg cell nucleus of a plant is 14 What is the normal chromosome number in a root epidermal cell of the same plant?

The normal chromosome number in a root epidermal cell of the same plant would also be 14. This is because both the egg cell and the root epidermal cell are part of the same plant organism, so they would have the same chromosome number.

If the chromosome number of a typical onion root tip cell is sixteen before mitosis what is the chromosome number of the each newly formed nucleus after nuclear division has taken place?

The chromosome number of each newly formed nucleus after mitosis in a typical onion root tip cell would still be sixteen, the same as the original cell. Mitosis is a process of cell replication where the chromosome number remains the same in the daughter cells.

What is a cell with one-half the regular number of a chromosome?

A sperm cell or an egg cell.

How many chromosome in each sperm or egg has horse?

If the diploid (2N) number is 64 the haploid (1N) number is 32.

Is there an X or Y chromosome in an egg?

Yes, egg cells contain an X chromosome, while sperm cells can contain either an X or a Y chromosome. The combination of chromosomes from the egg and sperm determines the genetic sex of the offspring.

How does the alternation of Meiosis and fertilization in the life cycle of sexually reproducing organisms maintain normal chromosome count for each species?

Simple, Meiosis reduce the chromosome number in half while fertilization doubles the chromosome number. n=chromosome number Meiosis = 2n (primordial germ cells) ----> n (sperm cell/egg cell/polar bodies) Fertilization = sperm (n) + egg (n) ----> 2n (zygote)