The amniotic egg has seven different parts that play different functions. The seven parts include the shell, albumen, chorion, yolk, allantois, ammunion and embryo.
There are 7 different letters, each to represent each shell. They are: 1. K 2. L 3. M 4. N 5. O 6. P 7. Q
A shell collector is typically referred to as a conchologist.
The outer-most shell of an atom is called the valence shell. It is involved in forming chemical bonds with other atoms.
A cast mold fossil of a clam is a replica of the outer shell of the organism, preserved in sediment after the organic material decomposes, leaving behind a negative impression of the shell. The mold fossil does not contain any original shell material or organic material of the organism like soft tissues.
The creases in seashells are called sutures. These are the lines where different parts of the shell have fused together during growth.
Science may have different names, but in the bakery we called them the shell, the albumen, and the yolk.
Upper shell is the carapace, and the lower shell is the plastron.
The shell, membrane, yolk, and white.
A turtle or tortoise's shell has two parts; the top domelike piece is called a carapace. The bottom is called a plastron.
An atom doesn't have a "shell" at all. Electrons orbit an atom at different layers each called a "shell", so your answer is no.
shell feet head eye kind of like us humans
The parts of a molecule are called atoms. Atoms are the fundamental units that make up molecules, and they are connected to each other through chemical bonds to form different kinds of molecules.
Divisions within a shell are called chambers. They are typically used to separate different components or sections within the shell, providing structure and organization.
The different parts of a car are: seat's, wheels, windscreen, the boot ( trunk ), headlights, sidemirrors, outer shell..... If you think you know more post a comment and i will add it to this list
The amniotic egg has seven different parts that play different functions. The seven parts include the shell, albumen, chorion, yolk, allantois, ammunion and embryo.
A turtle or tortoise's shell has two parts; the top domelike piece is called a carapace. The bottom is called a plastron.