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Q: What are different levels of intensity?
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What is the tropical storm that is very much like a hurricane called?

Just a tropical storm. Tropical storm and hurricane are just different intensity levels of the same type of weather system.

What levels of light intensity occur throughout the community?

Light intensity can vary throughout a community based on factors like natural light, street lights, and indoor lighting. Typically, areas with high foot traffic or commercial activity will have higher light intensity levels, while residential areas and parks may have lower levels. Monitoring light pollution can help maintain a balance between safety and minimizing environmental impact.

What is a performance intensity function?

A performance intensity function describes how an individual's performance changes in response to the intensity of a task. It typically shows that performance improves with task difficulty up to a certain point, after which performance starts to decline. This function is important in understanding how individuals respond and perform under various levels of task demands.

The measure of a waves intensity?

The intensity of a wave is usually measured as the power transmitted through a unit area perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. It is usually expressed in watts per square meter (W/m^2) and is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave. Stronger waves have higher intensity levels.

What happens to the intensity of light when it enters a dnser medium?

There's no reason to expect that the intensity of light must necessarily change when it enters a different medium.

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Sound pressure levels comparison?

Comparison of Sound Pressure and Sound Intensity Levels. Scroll down to related links and look at "Comparison of Sound Pressure and Sound Intensity Levels".

Can you give me a sentence with the word intensity?

The energy intensity levels on the machine are 100% higher than expected

Do tornadoes have different levels?

Yes. Tornadoes are rated on the Enhanced Fujita scale, which determines the intensity of a tornado based on the severity of damage they cause. There are six levels ranging from EF0 at the weakest to EF5 at the strongest.

What is the phase of the mesocycle is characterized by high levels of intensity?


Does the amplitude determine the loudness of a sound?

No, the amplitude of a sound wave determines its intensity, not its perceived loudness. Loudness is subjective and depends on the sensitivity of the human ear to different frequencies at different sound pressure levels.

Are there any educational programs for spelling that have more than one grade level?

Spelling made simple offers multiple levels of intensity for different age children.

What purpose do the colors in a false-color image or false-color radio map serve?

Colors represent different levels of intensity and are not related to the true colors of the object.

What are the three levels of intensity?

The three levels of intensity are low, moderate, and high. Low intensity refers to light physical activity that may include walking or gentle stretching. Moderate intensity involves activities that increase heart rate and breathing, such as brisk walking or swimming. High intensity describes vigorous activities that push your body to work harder, like running or cycling at a fast pace.

Why backing volt depends on the light frequency but not on the intensity?

Backing voltage in a photovoltaic cell depends on the light frequency because different frequencies of light correspond to different energy levels of photons, which can determine the voltage generated. However, intensity only affects the current generated by the cell, not the voltage. So, the higher the frequency of the light, the higher the backing voltage, regardless of the intensity.

What are the most commmon levels of tornadoes?

The most common intensity levels are EF0 and EF1, which are also the two weakest categories.

How do you convert sound pressure levels to hearing levels?

Only the ear drums can convert the sound pressure. That is not the acoustic intensity.

How can you control the intesity of a sound of a violin?

These are the basics on how to control the intensity of the sound of a violin:Lighter bowing = lower intensityHeavier bowing = higher intensityLonger bowing = louder soundShorter bowing = quieter soundRemember that you can use combinations of these basic techniques to achieve different levels of sound and intensity.