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They show how steep a landform is. A contour line also is a function of two variables in a curve which has a constant value.

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8y ago

Contour lines which are close together indicate a high slope. (High change in elevation within a short distance.)

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Differing heights on a map

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Q: What do contour lines that are together indicate?
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On a topographic map contour lines that are closer together indicate?

On a topographic map, contour lines that are closer together indicate a steeper slope.

Contour lines that are closer together indicate a steeper what?

Contour lines that are closer together indicate a steeper slope. The closer the lines are together, the greater the slope of the terrain.

What On the topographic map contour lines that are close together indicate a?

Contour lines that are close together indicate steep terrain or a rapid change in elevation. The closer the contour lines are, the steeper the slope.

Contour lines that are far apart indicate?

Contour lines that are far apart indicate gradual slopes, while contour lines that are close together indicate steep slopes.

What does Contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic indicate?

Lines that are very close together or touching indicate very steep terrain, perhaps even a cliff.

V-shaped contour lines pointing uphill indicate a?

V-shaped contour lines pointing uphill indicate a steep slope or ridge. The closer the contour lines are together, the steeper the slope.

What On a topographic map contour lines that are close together indicate a .?

Contour lines that are close together on a topographic map indicate an area of steep slope. If they essentially overlap you have a cliff.

Are contour lines on a slope spaced wide apart then the slope is very steep?

No, contour lines that are spaced close together on a map indicate a steep slope, while contour lines spaced widely apart indicate a gentle slope.

Draw contour lines to depict a steep slope?

You know, when contour lines are closer together on a map, they indicate a steep slope. Just think of contour lines as the distance between each incline. The closer together the inclines, the steeper the hill.

What do overlapping contour lines indicate?

Overlapping contour lines indicate a steep slope or terrain feature with a rapid change in elevation. The closer the contour lines are together, the steeper the slope. It helps to visualize the shape and relief of the land on a topographic map.

When contour lines that touch or overlap on a topographic map what does it indicate?

it connects to the points of Hawaii and Alaska

What do the numbers on index contour lines indicate?

The numbers of contour lines indicate altitude or elevation along that line.