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A common noun is any noun that refers to person, place or thing in general, not to a specific person, place or thing. Common nouns are not capitalized. Examples would include "mountain," "street," "house."

A proper noun is one that refers to a specific person place or thing. Proper nouns are capitalized. Examples would include "Mount McKinley," "Main Street," "Barack Obama."

An abstract noun is a idea, feeling, quality, or characteristic. Examples would include "justice," "love," "good."

A concrete noun is a person, place or thing that can be touched, seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelled.

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9mo ago
  • Common noun: A general name for a person, place, thing, or idea, such as "city" or "dog."
  • Proper noun: A specific name for a person, place, or thing, like "Paris" or "Michael."
  • Abstract noun: Names an idea, quality, or state, such as "beauty" or "happiness."
  • Concrete noun: Refers to tangible objects that can be perceived through the five senses, like "table" or "tree."
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Q: What are common noun and proper noun abstract noun and concrete?
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What is the definition of classification of noun?

Classification of a noun is the ability to say what kind of noun it is: common, proper, concrete, collective, material, abstract, etc.

Should abstract nouns always be captilized?

No, abstract nouns do not always need to be capitalized. Capitalization rules for abstract nouns are the same as for any other noun in a sentence - capitalize them if they appear at the beginning of a sentence or as part of a proper noun.

What is an example of a noun that is proper and abstract noun?

Examples of abstract nouns that are also proper nouns:independence (common, abstract noun)The Declaration of Independence (proper, abstract noun)Independence, Missouri (proper abstract noun)The noun art, which usually refers to a concept, an abstract noun (Art is an important element of human culture.)can also refer to a physical piece of artwork, a concrete noun (I put my daughter's art up on the fridge.)The noun licence:A tangible written document or an identity plate for a vehicle. (concrete noun)A word for permission. (abstract noun)The noun edge:The sharp side of a blade or a tool; the part of something the farthest out. (concrete noun)A word for an advantage. (abstract noun)The noun football:A word for the game or the sport, a word for the sum total of rules, teams, space, and equipment used to play the game. (abstract noun)A word for the ball used to play the game. (concrete noun)Note: the noun for any game or sport is an abstract noun, a concept; the noun for a thing used to play that game or sport is a concrete noun; for example, checkers, basketball, dominos, soccer, etc.

What kind of noun is a state?

The word "state" is a singular, common noun that can be abstract or concrete, depending on use. Examples: As an abstract noun: She was in a state of panic until she found her keys. As a concrete noun: The state of California has many beautiful places to see. The specific states, for example Illinois, Florida etc. are proper nouns and begin with capital letters.

Is vacation a concrete or abstract noun?


Related questions

What is a loyalty a common or a proper or an abstract or concrete?

The noun loyalty is a common, abstract noun.

What is the proper abstract noun for the proper common noun of slave?

The proper abstract noun for the common noun "slave" is enslavement.

Is pilot a proper are common nouns?

The word pilot is a common noun, a word for any pilot.A common noun becomes a proper noun when it is the name of a specific person, place, thing, or a title. For example:Pilot Knob Road, Fort Ann NYPilot Food Mart, Knoxville TNPilot Pen Corporation'The Pilot' by James Fenimore Cooper

Is Virginia a concrete or abstract noun?

It is a place, and a proper noun. It is a concrete noun that you can see and touch when you are there.

Is phoenix a concrete or abstract?

The common noun phoenix is an abstract noun, a word for a bird that exists in legend only. The proper noun Phoenix is a concrete noun, the name of a city in the state of Arizona.

Is Phoenix an abstract or concrete noun?

The proper noun Phoenix (city in Arizona) is a concrete noun. The common noun phoenix would be a mythological creature, which if encountered would also be a concrete noun.

Is Homer an abstract noun?

If it is a proper name, it is a concrete noun.

Is the word 'Precious' an abstract noun or common noun?

The noun 'Precious' (capital P) is the name of a person, a proper noun, a concrete noun.The word 'precious' (lower case p) is an adjective, a word to describe a noun.The abstract noun form of the adjective precious is preciousness, a common noun.

How do you form an abstract noun from a common noun?

Abstract nouns can be common or proper nouns. Whether a noun is abstract or concrete is determined by its definition or its use, not whether it is common or proper.A common noun is a word for any person, place, or thing.A proper noun is the name of a person, place, thing, or a title.A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.An abstract noun is a word for something that can not be experienced by any of the five physical senses; it is something that is known, thought, believed, understood, or learned, felt emotionally.Examples:Common, concrete noun: sandwichCommon, abstract noun: peaceProper, concrete noun: Big MacProper, abstract noun: 'War and Peace' by Leo Tolstoy

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What are the three kinds of noun?

Three kinds of nouns are: singular or plural common or proper concrete or abstract

What is the definition of classification of noun?

Classification of a noun is the ability to say what kind of noun it is: common, proper, concrete, collective, material, abstract, etc.