Gram positive bacteria belong to the Kingdom Bacteria.
Capsules play a crucial role in causing disease by enabling bacteria to evade the host immune system. Capsules protect bacteria from being recognized and attacked by immune cells, making it easier for them to establish infection and survive within the host. Additionally, capsules can also help bacteria adhere to surfaces within the body and prevent them from being cleared by the immune system.
stored within bacteria endospores ++
One identifying characteristic of the plague is the presence of enlarged and tender lymph nodes, known as buboes, in the groin, armpit, or neck.
The lytic cycle is a process that viruses use to replicate within a host cell. It is not a characteristic of bacteria.
it is stuff that sends the bacteria to the top.
Of or pertaining to a bubo or buboes; characterized by buboes.
E.coli in Intestine
Within one or two days swellings appear called Buboes hence the name Bubonic Plague. The Buboes are hard, painful, burning lumps on the neck, under the arms,and on inner thighs. These areas are where the Lymph Nodes are. The Buboes turne black, split open, and began to ooze pus and blood. They may grow to the size of an orange.
Buboes are the enlarged lymph nodes that are noticeable in victims of bubonic plague. Buboes occur in the lymph nodes of the armpit and groin areas of the body.
they are the boils you would get if you had the plague
Bubonic plague-affects the lymph nodes (another part of the lymph system). Within 3 to 7 days of exposure to plague bacteria, you will develop flu-like symptoms such as fever, headache, chills, weakness, and swollen, tender lymph glands (called buboes-hence the name bubonic).
They did not.
Buboes were enlarged lymphnotic glands. They are mostly located on the neck, under the arms and around the groin. Buboes looked like bumps. Almost as if you stuck a ball underneath your skin. The buboes became black because they were filled with blood and other bodily fluids. This is how the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) got its name.
This is because buboes are the swelling of lymph nodes and the neck, groin and armpit are junctions of the major lymphatic vessels.