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Q: What are angiosperms and cones specialized for?
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In plants gymnosperms have cones and angiosperms have flowers. Both of these plant structures are specialized for?

Sexual reproduction

In plants gymnosperms have cones and angiosperms have flowers. Both of these plant structures are specialized for -?

Sexual reproduction

In plants gymnosperms have cones and angiosperms have flowers. Both of these plant structures are specialized for what?

Sexual reproduction

Are gymnosperms and angiosperms different?

Gymnosperms have cones and angiosperms have flowers/fruits

How are gymnosperms and angiosperms different?

Gymnosperms have cones and angiosperms have flowers/fruits

The fruits of angiosperms are specialized for?

seed protection

Are angiosperm's seeds protected by cones?

No, angiosperm seeds are not protected by cones. Angiosperms produce seeds enclosed within a fruit, which develops from the ovary of a flower. Conifers, which are gymnosperms, produce seeds that are typically protected by cones.

What is the reproduction organ of a plant called?

For angiosperms: Flowers For gymnosperms: Cones For ferns: Spore

What are gymnosperms and angiosperms specialized for?

Gymnosperms are specialized for reproducing via exposed seeds, while angiosperms are specialized for reproducing with seeds enclosed in fruits. Gymnosperms are typically better adapted to cold and dry environments, while angiosperms have a wider range of ecological adaptations due to the diversity of their flowers and fruits.

Does the rose plant produces seeds by flowers or cones?

By cones. You should do your own research instead of coming to Thank you. Have a great day.

Where are the reproductive parts of an angiosperms located?


How do you tell a gymnosperm from an angiosperm?

Gymnosperms bear naked seeds on cones or cones-like structures, while angiosperms have seeds enclosed within fruits. Additionally, gymnosperms do not produce flowers, while angiosperms do.