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Q: What are algae that are golden-brown and secrete glass like boxes around themselves called?
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What algae that are golden brown and secrete glasslike boxes around themselves are called what?

they are diatoms

What is algae that is golden and brown and secrete glasslike boxes around themselves are?

The algae you are describing are called diatoms. These single-celled organisms have a golden-brown color due to their pigment and secrete glass-like silica boxes around themselves called frustules, which provide protection and structure. Diatoms are important primary producers in aquatic ecosystems and play a crucial role in the food chain.

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They are perfectly normal and called Montgomery Tubercles. Their job is the secrete oil to lubricate and protect the nipples.

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They are perfectly normal and called Montgomery Tubercles. Their job is the secrete oil to lubricate and protect the nipples.

What are algae that are golden brown and secrete glasslike boxes around themselves called?

The algae you are referring to is likely a type of diatom. Diatoms are single-celled algae that have a silica shell around them, giving them a glass-like appearance. They are typically golden brown in color and are important primary producers in aquatic ecosystems.

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Algae that are golden brown and secrete glasslike boxes around themselves are called?

Diatoms. These single-celled algae have intricate glasslike shells made of silica that protect their cells. They play a crucial role in aquatic ecosystems by producing oxygen and serving as food for various marine organisms.

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