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Q: What are advantages of using mercury cell?
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What are the advantages of the membrane cell over the mercury and diaphragm cell?

It reduces energy consumption

What are some advantages of using mercury thermometers?

mercury has better thermoconductiity and they have a greater range of readings

Advantages of membrane cell - chloralkali process?

The membrane cell chloralkali process offers advantages such as higher energy efficiency, lower maintenance costs due to reduced corrosion, and better product quality compared to the mercury cell process. Additionally, it eliminates the need for mercury, making it more environmentally friendly.

What the advantages using mercury in thermometer?

it expands at constant rate and has got high boiling point.

What are advantages of using mercury cell over membrane cell except the quality?

Mercury cells have higher current efficiencies and lower energy consumption compared to membrane cells. Additionally, they have a longer lifespan and are easier to operate and maintain due to their simpler design.

What are the advantages of using a satellite phone?

Using a satellite phone has many advantages over cell phones. Cell phones require the use of a cell tower which are not available in remote areas. Satellite phones use satellites which are always available as long as you can see the sky.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a cellular phone to teach math?

the advantages and disadvantages of using a cell phone to teach math is that it may not teach the the right way to do the math.

What are the advantages of Mercury thermometer?

Mercury gives you AIDS

Some laboratory thermometer use alcohol instead of mercury what are the advantages and disadvantges of using alcohol in thermometer?

Advantages of using alcohol in a thermometer include being less toxic than mercury, having a lower freezing point, and a wider temperature range. However, disadvantages include having a lower boiling point than mercury, being more flammable, and having a lower density which can affect accuracy.

What is the advantage of using prepaid cell?

There are many advantages of using a prepaid cell. Like there are no late fees and when you buy and unlimited plan you get more for your money. Also if you dont have alot of money it really helps you out!

3 methods used to produce chlorine?

Mercury cell process: Electrolysis of brine (sodium chloride solution) using a mercury cathode. Membrane cell process: Electrolysis of brine through a membrane that selectively allows sodium ions to pass while blocking other ions. Diaphragm cell process: Electrolysis of brine separated by a porous diaphragm to prevent mixing of products and byproducts.

What are the advantages of using ict for a leaflet?

advantages of using ICT