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Q: What are The seven colour categories of visible light together?
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The seven colour categories of visable light are together known as the visable?

The seven colour categories of visible light are together known as the visible spectrum.

What are The seven colour categories of visible light?

i think its the colors of the earth mixed together red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

All colors of visible light spectrum blended together results in what?

Blending all colors of the visible light spectrum together results in white light.

What colour light has the lowest wavelength?

Violet light has the lowest wavelength in the visible light spectrum.

How does wavelength affect visible light?

It alters the energy and colour of the light.

What color are UV rays?

Colour only applies to visible light. UV rays are not visible.

Which colour is at the opposite end from fed on the visible light spectrum?

Riolet is.

Which colour have longest wavelength in the visible spectrum?

Red light has the longest wavelength.

Mixing all of the colors of light together creates white light?


What do false colour images from visible light satellites show us?

it shows us nothing

How is color heat?

It's not. Colour refers to visible light, which is distinct from heat. Maybe you mean "false colour" images from a thermal camera, that assigns visible light colours on the basis of temperature (usually low temp=blue, high temp=red).

What makes the colour red?

The color red is created when an object reflects light in the 620-750 nanometer range on the visible light spectrum. This range of light is perceived by our eyes as the color red.