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Mauna loa, kilauea,mauna kea, and etc

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4mo ago

Mauna Loa and Kilauea in Hawaii, Mount Etna in Italy, and Mount Cameroon in Africa are examples of shield volcanoes. These volcanoes have gentle slopes and are characterized by their large size and low viscosity lava flows.

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Q: What are Some examples of shield valcanoes?
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Related questions

What are the types of valcanoes?

Cinder cone, composite, and shield valcanoes.

What is a shield valcanoes?

a round 1

How do shield valcanoes form?

it happens when u fart on the ground and it forms on the other side of the world

Is there any active Valcanoes?

Yes, there are currently active volcanoes around the world. Some examples include Kilauea in Hawaii, Mt. Etna in Italy, and Popocatepetl in Mexico. These volcanoes have exhibited recent eruptive activity.

Do volcanoes erupt yearly?

there r active valcanoes which erupt frequently,some valcanoes does not have any time period of eruption they can erupt at a gap of 50yrs or may be having a gap of 5 months,dormant valcanoes r valcanoes which lost their activity and do not erupt at all if u like my answer please recommend me

What is the only state that was formed from valcanoes?

The state that is formed from valcanoes is Hawaii.

Can there be small volcanoes?

Yes, there can be small valcanoes. They are actually called mini valcanoes.

The Hawaiian volcanoes are good examples of what kind of volcanoes.?

Kilauea is an example of a (shield) volcano.

What type of volcanoes formed the Hawaiian islands?

The Hawaiian islands were formed by shield volcanoes, which are characterized by long, gentle sloping sides formed by low-viscosity lava flows. These volcanoes are created by the movement of the Pacific Plate over a hot spot in the Earth's mantle, resulting in a chain of volcanic islands.

What are the 3 types of valcanoes?

There are four basic types of volcanos. They are cinder cones, shield volcanoes, composite volcanoes, and lava domes. Composite volcanoes share some characteristics of all the others.

What are some shield volcano examples?

one is Mauna Lou, on the big island of Hawaii. it is the biggest volcano on earth

Where are some shield volcanoes and what are they called?

Mauna Loa on Hawaii is Earth's largest shield volcano. Other examples are Piton de la Fournaise on the island of Réunion, and Fernandina in the Galápagos Islands. There are several smaller shield volcanoes in Iceland.