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Rh is a factor on blood cells that act as an antign (allergen) to those without it. The Rh refers to the fact that it was first found in Rhesus monkeys. If a mother is Rh negative (15% 0f the population in US) and her developing baby is Rh negative there is obviously no problem. If, however, the mother is negative and the baby is positive, the problem results. This only occurs when the father is Rh positive(+) and the mother is Rh negative(-). (lacking the Rh factor). The Rh factor passes the placental barrier, and the mother's immume system produces antibodies to the (+) factor. The antibodies pass the placental barrier also, and attacks the hemopoetic system on the baby (blood producing red marrow). As more a more red blood cells (RBC's)are destroyed by the antibodies, the blood system tries to increase the rate of cell production and starts sending immature RBC's in to the circulation. These are nucleated RBC known as Erythroblasts and the cells are not capable of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide normally. The medical condition is known as "Erythroblastsis Fetalis" The inability of oxygen transport can lead to developmental anomalies and even death of the fetus. A Rh positive mother and either a Rh (+) baby or a Rh (-) baby have no problem. As with an allergic reaction, each subsequenial pregnancy causes greater allergic reaction. This can be prevented by the simple injection of a medicine (RhoGAM) to prevent the reaction ...sort of like an allergy injection.

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3mo ago

Rh proteins, also known as Rhesus proteins, are a group of proteins found on the surface of red blood cells. They are important for determining an individual's blood type and can play a role in blood transfusion compatibility and hemolytic disease in newborns. The most well-known Rh protein is the Rh factor, which can be Rh positive or Rh negative.

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9y ago

Rh protein or Rh factors are proteins (immunogenic D antigen) found in red blood cells (RBC). The term Rh+ or Rh- strictly denotes for its presence or absence in the RBCs. Rh incompatability or Hemolytic condition can occur when a embryo or fetus formed between Rh+ mother and Rh- father. This can be preventable with medical care though.

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The traits for blood type and Rh are the result of the presence or absence of particular?

The traits for blood type and Rh factor are determined by the presence or absence of specific proteins on the surface of red blood cells. Blood type is determined by antigens (proteins) on the red blood cell membrane, while the Rh factor is based on the presence or absence of the Rh antigen (protein) on the red blood cell.

Can a child born with rh negative blood type be the offspring of an o positive father?

Yes, a child born with Rh negative blood type can be the offspring of an O positive father if the mother is also Rh negative, as the Rh factor is determined by both parents' blood types. If the mother is Rh positive, the child may inherit the Rh negative trait from the mother and be Rh negative.

Desribe how to type blood to detect the abo and rh blood groups?

To type blood to detect ABO and Rh blood groups, a blood sample is collected from a vein in the arm. The blood is then mixed with antibodies that are specific to each blood group (anti-A, anti-B, and anti-Rh). If the blood clumps or agglutinates when mixed with a particular antibody, it indicates the presence of that antigen on the red blood cells, determining the individual's blood type.

Is it more common to be Rh- or Rh plus?

It is more common to be Rh-positive (Rh+) than Rh-negative (Rh-) in the general population. Around 85% of people are Rh+ while only about 15% are Rh-.

You have type O plus why does your father have O negative?

there is no problem with that, your Rh+ comes from your mother :) ur father genotype is Rh-Rh- your mother should be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- so you took one Rh- from your father and one Rh+ from your mother the result will be Rh+Rh- and because the +ve propriety is more dominant your blood type will be +ve even if you have the mix of Rh+Rh-

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The traits for blood type and Rh are the result of the presence or absence of particular?

The traits for blood type and Rh factor are determined by the presence or absence of specific proteins on the surface of red blood cells. Blood type is determined by antigens (proteins) on the red blood cell membrane, while the Rh factor is based on the presence or absence of the Rh antigen (protein) on the red blood cell.

What animal helped scientists discover Rh proteins in blood?

The rhesus monkey helped scientists discover Rh proteins in blood. The name "Rh" actually comes from the fact that the protein was first identified in Rhesus monkeys.

How is the Rh factor of blood cells important?

About 85 percent of the people he tested had this protein, and about 15 percent lacked it. Like the A, B, AB, and O blood types, the presence of Rh factor is determined by a marker on the red blood cell. If your blood type is Rh positive, you have the Rh marker. If your blood type is Rh negative, you lack the marker on your cells. If you are Rh negative and ever received Rh positive blood, you would develop Rh clumping proteins in your plasma. This situation is potentially dangerous.

About 85 percent of the population contains one of several blood proteins termed Rh factors?

If I'm undertanding the question, and I can't be sure... 85% of the population, in general, is Rh positive...meaning D positive. 15% are Rh negative, D neg. The rhesus system has several different red cell antigens, D is the determinant for Rh positive or negative.

What will occur when a person with type B positive blood receives a unit of type A negative blood?

If a person with type B positive blood receives a unit of type A negative blood, their body may recognize the type A blood as foreign and trigger an immune response. This can lead to a transfusion reaction, where the immune system attacks the donated red blood cells. It is important to ensure compatibility between blood types to prevent such reactions.

Does o- blood effect pregnancies?

Each person's blood is one of four major types: A, B, AB, or O. Blood types are determined by the types of antigens on the blood cells. Antigens are proteins on the surface of blood cells that can cause a response from the immune system. The Rh factor is a type of protein on the surface of red blood cells. Most people who have the Rh factor are Rh-positive. Those who do not have the Rh factor are Rh-negative

Can a child born with rh negative blood type be the offspring of an o positive father?

Yes, a child born with Rh negative blood type can be the offspring of an O positive father if the mother is also Rh negative, as the Rh factor is determined by both parents' blood types. If the mother is Rh positive, the child may inherit the Rh negative trait from the mother and be Rh negative.

Desribe how to type blood to detect the abo and rh blood groups?

To type blood to detect ABO and Rh blood groups, a blood sample is collected from a vein in the arm. The blood is then mixed with antibodies that are specific to each blood group (anti-A, anti-B, and anti-Rh). If the blood clumps or agglutinates when mixed with a particular antibody, it indicates the presence of that antigen on the red blood cells, determining the individual's blood type.

Is it more common to be Rh- or Rh plus?

It is more common to be Rh-positive (Rh+) than Rh-negative (Rh-) in the general population. Around 85% of people are Rh+ while only about 15% are Rh-.

If a father has O negative blood and the mother is a positive what would the child be?

Father is Rh-Rh-Positive blood type has two options so mother could be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- and so :Rh-Rh- X Rh+Rh+all kids will be positivethe second option isRh-Rh- X Rh+Rh-50% of the kids will be negativethe other 50% will be positive.

You have type O plus why does your father have O negative?

there is no problem with that, your Rh+ comes from your mother :) ur father genotype is Rh-Rh- your mother should be Rh+Rh+ or Rh+Rh- so you took one Rh- from your father and one Rh+ from your mother the result will be Rh+Rh- and because the +ve propriety is more dominant your blood type will be +ve even if you have the mix of Rh+Rh-

Monther is A positive and father is is B negative what make a child ab negative possible?

There are two genes that controll the traits. Since Rh+ is a dominant character, it could be expresssed even in the hterzygous condition. But Rh- could be expressed in the homozygous recessive conditions also. The father is Rh+ that means he could be either Rh+Rh+ or he could be Rh+Rh- and the mother is Rh-Rh-. The father should be Rh+Rh- type. So the gametes formed are of type Rh+and Rh-. When the Rh- gamete of male combine with the of Rh- female gamete the offspring is Rh-, with genotype Rh-Rh-.