they are robots that check on mars to see if there are any tiny living cretures on there but if they send a picture from mars to earth it just comes up as dust.
Mars robot explorers are robotic spacecraft sent to Mars to gather scientific data and explore the planet's surface. These robots are equipped with various instruments and tools to study the Martian environment, including cameras, spectrometers, drills, and sample analysis instruments. Examples of Mars robot explorers include the Curiosity rover, the Perseverance rover, and the InSight lander.
NASA's robot, the Perseverance rover, was launched on July 30, 2020, and landed on Mars on February 18, 2021.
Only robot probes can land on mars. But there are some evidence that is needed to be cleared
The Perseverance rover is a robot currently on Mars. It landed in February 2021 and is exploring the planet's surface, gathering data, and conducting experiments to help us understand Mars' geology and search for signs of past life.
The space robot that landed on Mars last week is called Perseverance.
It explores the surface of mars and it is a robot like feature. It shows the surface of mars and the NASA people can see what is happening on mars. They're seeing if there are traces of water too.
It is a Mars rover.
There Is A Robot On Mars Called "The Mars Rover".
Nasa was responsible for retrieving the robots from mars.
There's a robot on Mars call, "The Mars Rover" if that is what you are talking about
It is called The Mars Rover!
200 yrs
it was 1936
Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot vs. the Mecha Monkeys from Mars was created in 2002.
NASA's robot, the Perseverance rover, was launched on July 30, 2020, and landed on Mars on February 18, 2021.