There are both Vascular and Non-Vascular plants.
vascular plants
Vascular plants have vascular tissue while non-vascular plants don´t
Orchids are a non-vascular plant. This is because they are part of the angiosperm group which are vascular. Edited answer:Orchids are vascular plants.
There are both Vascular and Non-Vascular plants.
Vascular plants have vascular tissue while non-vascular plants don´t
Vascular plants have vascular tissue .
vascular plants
There are too many vascular plants to count, but vascular plants are generally taller than non-vascular plants. Most plants are vascular.
vascular plants
They are vascular plants. All angiosperms, or flowering plants are vascular. Only group of plants that are non vascular is mosses.
Vascular plants have vascular tissue while non-vascular plants don´t
Vascular tissue also allows plants to grow nice and tall (essentially, it's what wood is made of), and it allows them to live far from water. If it weren't for vascular tissue, plants would just be algae and moss.
Pitcher plants are vascular plants.