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1. Thunderstorms are the most powerful electrical storms in our atmosphere.

2. About 16 million thunderstorms occur per year.

3. There are about 1800 thunderstorms occurring anywhere in the world right now!

4. Lightning is 5 times hotter than the surface of the sun.

5. Super cells are the most dangerous types of thunderstorms.

6. One bolt of lighting has enough electricity to power 200,000 homes.

7. It is possible for thunderstorms to occur during snowstorms.

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13y ago
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13y ago

One interesting fact about a thunder storm is that there are about 1800 thunderstorms happening at any moment around the world! Another interesting fact is that All thunderstorms produce lightening which normally strikes outside of the area where it is raining.

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12y ago

1. Thunderstorms are a special electrical type of storm.

2. One rare case of Thunderstorms is snowthunder, which means a thunderstorm during the winter.

3.Thunderstorms, if strong enough, may produce tornadoes

4.Another type of thunderstorm is a supercell. These storms produce F4 or F5 tornadoes if they have the power to.

5.The type of cloud in thunderstorms are the "cumulonimbus" clouds.

6. About 16 million thunderstorms happen across the globe

7.Light travels faster than sound: this is the reason why we see lightning before we hear the thunder.

8.Severe thunderstorms can cause as much damage as a weak tornado can.

9. The word "tornado" comes from the Spanish word "tronada" which means thunderstorm

10. The strongest tornado ever recorded in Canada was the Regina tornado of 1912. The tornado killed 28 people.
when you see lightning count the numbers of seconds, every 5 seconds is 1 mile.

they prefer humid climates

approximately 10 percent are considered severe

your risk of getting struck is 1 0ut of 600,000

they usually last from 1-3 hours more or less

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Are super cell thunder storms the same as isolated thunder storms?

No, because a super cell storm is a quick and violent (and rare) storm while an isolated thunder storms are common, longer storms. Can you guys belive a 12 year old wrote this?!? It's true! ='p

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Did Zeus or Poseidon make storms?

In Greek mythology, Zeus is typically associated with creating and controlling storms, including thunder and lightning. Poseidon, on the other hand, is more closely linked to the sea and earthquakes.

Where can thunder storms happen?

Anywhere in the world.