

Best Answer
  1. Assuming all living things need the same care and environment for survival.
  2. Not recognizing the signs of distress or illness in a living organism.
  3. Incorrectly identifying the nutritional needs of a particular living thing.
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Q: What are 3 mistakes that could have been avoided had you known more about livings things?
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The term spontaneous generation means?

Spontaneous generation is a disproven theory that life and living organisms can arise from non-living matter. It was once believed that certain conditions could lead to the sudden generation of life, but this idea has been replaced by the principle of biogenesis, which states that living organisms only come from other living organisms.

What does incompatible mean?

"Incompatible" refers to things that are not able to exist or work together harmoniously due to differences or contradictions in their nature, characteristics, or functions. It could also mean that two things are not compatible with each other.

Can mistakes in meiosis ever be beneficial?

Yes, mistakes in meiosis can lead to genetic variability, which can be beneficial for populations in changing environments. This genetic variability can provide the raw material for evolution and adaptation to occur. However, the majority of mistakes in meiosis are harmful and can result in genetic disorders.

If anemometer model is not working what mistakes can be there?

Some common mistakes when an anemometer model is not working could include incorrect sensor calibration, damaged or faulty wiring connections, poor placement affecting airflow measurements, or interference from other electronic devices causing signal disruption. Checking these factors can help troubleshoot and identify the issue with the anemometer model.

What are things that are dreary?

A rainy day, a run-down building, a foggy morning, and a graveyard are examples of things that could be considered dreary.

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How could King John have avoided his mistakes?

King John made many mistakes and he could have avoided some of them. When he raised taxes, he could have asked the Barons how much to raise them by. Also when he had a war with his cousin, he could have just let him have a little more power and let him actually make one or two changes. Also when he went back on the Magna Carta, he should have just realised its importance, which would have made no war with the Barons.

Why do people hurt livings?

Some people could be scared or could be mad or also could be by a accident.

How could ozone depletion be avoided?

Ozone depletion could be avoided easily. You have to plant more and more trees.

Could the allied countries have avoided World War 2?

No they couldn't have avoided it.

What to people fear that globalization will lead to?

to me, i think globalization can lead to many things 1.) many animals may die 2.) livings plants could die, which we need oxygen from 3.) it could get really HOT! An unforseen new type of tyrannical government.

Could the Peloponilesan wars have been avoided?

ANY WAR can be avoided; but man likes war.

What is the tone of this example Keira tearfully avoided her sister's accusatory look wishing she could think of a way to make things right again.?

sad & remorseful

What did you learn from you failures?

You could learn how not to make the same mistakes from your failures. You could also learn what others have done well when you make mistakes.

If the Vietnam War could been avoided?

The Vietnam War might have been avoided, if communism had not been involved.

What is biological sensitivity?

biological sensitivity is thus found in livings that when any thing which could harm them they get active and sensitive and also response to that

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