

What are 3 living things?

Updated: 6/3/2024
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8y ago

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Three examples of living things are dogs, trees, and bacteria.

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Q: What are 3 living things?
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What are the characteristics of life?

All living things growAll living things reproduceAll living things exhibit variationsAll living things respond to certain stimuliAll living things need and use energyAll living things have an intricacy of formAll living things maintain homeostasisThere are 6 characteristics of life. 1. All living things have cells. 2. All living things have essential chemicals. 3. All living things use energy. 4. All living things respond to stimuli. 5. All living things reproduce. 6. All living things grow and develop. Living things are made of cells.Living things obtain and use energy.Living things grow and develop.Living things reproduce.Living things respond to their environment.Living things adapt to their environment.

3 compounds living things are made up of?

3 compounds living things are made up of are carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. These compounds are essential for various functions in living organisms, such as providing energy, building and repairing tissues, and maintaining cell structure and function.

What are the seven ways living thing differ from non living thing and dead things?

Living things can grow and develop, reproduce, respond to stimuli, maintain homeostasis, require energy, show adaptation to their environment, and have the capacity for movement. Non-living things do not display these characteristics, and while dead things were once living, they no longer exhibit the processes associated with life.

Can living things from other living things through sexual or asexual reproduction?

living things come from other living things through either sexual or asexual reproduction

What is the difference between living and non living things?

Living things have the ability to grow, reproduce, respond to stimuli, and maintain homeostasis, while non-living things do not possess these characteristics. Living things also require energy to carry out life processes, while non-living things do not.

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What are the distinguishing properties that are unique to living things?

4 Things that distinguish living things from non-living things 1. Living things need space to live 2. Living things need water 3. Living things need air 4. Living things need to reproduce

6 characteristics of living things explain?

Living things are composed of cells, exhibit growth and development, respond to stimuli from their environment, maintain homeostasis by regulating internal conditions, reproduce to pass on genetic material, and have the capacity to evolve over time through natural selection.

What are the basis of all living things?

The basis of all living things is cells. Cells are the smallest units of life and are essential for carrying out all of the functions of living organisms. Cells contain genetic material, carry out metabolism, and have the ability to grow and reproduce.

All living things are made of?

hydrocarbons <3

What are 3 differences between living and nonliving things?

Living things are capable of movement, growth, and reproduction. (there are more, but you asked for three)

What is the biological sciences of activities that all living things carry out?

The biological sciences that study the activities that all living things carry out are collectively known as physiology. Physiology focuses on understanding how living organisms function at the molecular, cellular, tissue, and organismal levels to maintain homeostasis and carry out essential processes like metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to the environment.

What are 3 things shared by living things?

They are made of cells, they need energy, they reproduce.

What must you do to be called alive in science?

There are four things that determine if something is living. They are: 1)All living things obey the laws of chemistry and physics. 2)All living things use DNA. 3)All living things require energy. 4)All living things are made up of cells.

What are the 5 characteristics all living things share?

All living things exhibit these characteristics: 1. They are made of cells. 2. They obtain and use energy. 3. They grow and develop. 4.They reproduce. 5. They respond to their environment.

What are the 4 needs of all living things?

living things need things: 1 water 2 food 3 space 4 shelter 5 air

What are the 3 needs of living things?

food, water, stimulation

What is living thing flame or Euglena or Fish?

Of the 3 things flame, Euglena, and fish only one of them is living. Only fish are living of the 3 items.