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Q: What are 3 ideas about geologic change?
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These 3 things usually happen to signal a change from one geologic time interval to changeclimate changesdisappearances or appearances of life

What is the geologic principle that the same geologic processes that operate today operated in the past to change Earths surface?


What is the definition of uniformitarianism?

The geologic principle that the same geologic processes that operate today operated in the past to change Earth's surface.

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Why does being open to new ideas bring change?

because new ideas are ideas that change they change the world because they do

What do modern day scientists believe about geologic change?

It all happens suddenly

What are side effects to a werewolf change?

Well i think i may be a werewolf so i have a few ideas..... 1 you will tend to stare at the moon. 2 you will crave meat.3 you might change at moments when you are angry. That is all my ideas.

What is the idea that geologic change happens suddenly?

The idea that geologic change can happen suddenly is known as catastrophism. This theory proposes that Earth's geological features are mainly a result of sudden, short-lived, and violent events, rather than gradual processes over time. While some catastrophic events like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions can cause rapid geologic changes, most changes on Earth's surface are the result of slow and continuous processes such as erosion and sedimentation.

How have these initial ideas change over time?

1) sex 2) humor 3) your dads dick when you talk to him;)

The common belief concerning geologic change during hutton's time was called?

True? xD

What three things help scientist estimate geologic time?

The 3 main ideas are, 1. The rock record provides evidence of geologic events and forms of the past. 2. Processes observed on Earth in the present also acted in the past. and 3. Earth is very old and has changed over geologic time.


Is the principle of geology that suggests Earth's geologic processes acted in the same manner and intensity in the past as they do in the present. Accounts for all geologic change. Shows how layers of sediment collected of Earth's surface.