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  • by asexual and sexual reproduction.
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Q: What are 2 ways plants reproduce sexually?
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Lizards reproduce sexually, meaning that they require a male and a female to produce offspring through mating and fertilization of eggs. Asexual reproduction is not common among lizards.

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Cone bearing plants have their egg cell in the archegonium whereas flowering plants (Angiosperms) have egg cell in the embryo sac.

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Animals can be hatched from eggs like birds, or they can be have a live birth like humans

Do monkeys reproduce sexually or asexually?

Sexually, for it takes two (a male and a female) to make a new monkey. Asexually would mean it only took one monkey to make a new monkey.

Which three plants reproduce by spores?

Three plants that reproduce by spores are: 1.Mosses 2.Fern 3.Algae

What are the methods of reproduction in plants?

Plants can reproduce sexually through pollination, where pollen from the male reproductive organ (anther) fertilizes the female reproductive organ (ovule) to form seeds. They can also reproduce asexually through methods like vegetative propagation, where new plants grow from stems, leaves, or roots of the parent plant without the need for seeds. Some plants can also reproduce through spores, which are single-celled structures that can develop into new plants under the right conditions.

What are 2 ways that fungi reproduces?

Fungi reproduce sexually through the fusion of specialized cells called gametes, or asexually through the formation of spores. Some fungi can also reproduce through both sexual and asexual means, depending on environmental conditions.

Describe the two ways that bacteria reproduce?

Bacteria reproduce asexually through binary fission, where a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. Bacteria also reproduce sexually through conjugation, where genetic material is transferred between two bacterial cells to promote genetic diversity.

What are 2 things flower do for a plant?

1. produce food from sunlight, water and minerals 2. convert carbon dioxide into oxygen 3. reproduce sexually by seed 4. reproduce asexually through bulblets or offsets

How do seeds plants reproduce?

Plants reproduce by pollen grains. There are 2 types of pollination: Cross pollination and Self pollination. They are primarily pollinated by means of wind pollination or insect pollination.

How are 2 ways an organism can regenerate?

Budding, sexually, or asexually. These are just a few I know there are more...