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crop land and aquarium

milqui...^^ o.8

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1mo ago
  1. Agricultural farms with diverse crop rotations and integrated pest management systems can have higher biodiversity than nearby natural ecosystems due to the variety of plant species and wildlife they support.
  2. Urban rooftop gardens with a mix of native and non-native plant species can create habitats for a wide range of insects, birds, and small mammals, often surpassing the biodiversity found in some nearby natural areas.
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12y ago

A zoo has a bigger biodiversity than a natural ecosystem, say a forest. The inhabitants of the zoo range from monkeys to whales, each having a specialized habitat.

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Q: What are 2 examples of an artificial ecosystem that has more biodiversity than a natural ecosystem?
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Would you except to find greater biodiversity in natural ecosystem or human-made ecosystem such as farm or a garden explain your answer?

You would expect to find greater biodiversity in a natural ecosystem compared to a human-made ecosystem like a farm or garden. Natural ecosystems have evolved over time to support a wide variety of species and interactions, whereas human-made ecosystems are often more simplified and managed for specific purposes, which can lead to lower biodiversity.

What are 4 reasons why biodiversity is important?

Biodiversity supports ecosystem resilience, making ecosystems more adaptable to environmental changes. Biodiversity contributes to important ecosystem services such as pollination, nutrient cycling, and water purification. Biodiversity provides genetic resources important for agriculture, medicine, and biotechnology. Biodiversity enhances the aesthetic, cultural, and recreational value of natural environments.

Explain the importance of biodiversity?

Biodiversity is important for ecosystem stability, as it provides resilience and balance against environmental changes. It also supports ecosystem services such as clean air, water, and food production. Additionally, high biodiversity increases genetic variation, which is essential for species to adapt and evolve over time.

How you use natural vegetation in a sentence?

Natural vegetation provides important habitat for wildlife and helps to maintain biodiversity in the ecosystem.

Which of these is most likely to occur when biodiversity is lost in an ecosystem?

Answer this question… A loss of potential sources of future medicines

Related questions

What is the difference between artificial and natural ecosystems?

Artificial ecosystems are deliberately created by humans, such as urban parks or agricultural fields, while natural ecosystems develop without human intervention. Natural ecosystems are typically more diverse and stable, with complex interactions between organisms, while artificial ecosystems may be simpler and more prone to disruptions. Additionally, natural ecosystems are better at providing ecological services like clean water and air purification.

Natural ecosystem and artificial ecosystem?

artificial is when you stick your fingers in your bumholey and natural is when you finger blast yourself in the vagina aka pusyy

Is biodiversity the same thing as a biosphere?

No, biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms in a specific ecosystem. On the other hand, a biosphere is the global ecological system integrating all living organisms and their interactions with the non-living components of the Earth. The biosphere includes all ecosystems on Earth, each with its unique biodiversity.

Why would a golf course have less biodiversity than a natural ecosystem?

not many animals live on a golf course by lots of animals live in a natural ecosystem, so the golf course has less biodiversity

Can you Differentiate natural from artificial ecosystem?

Natural ecosystems are self-sustaining and have evolved without human intervention, while artificial ecosystems are intentionally designed and maintained by humans for specific purposes, such as agriculture or landscaping. Natural ecosystems are typically more diverse and complex, supporting a wide range of species and ecological processes, while artificial ecosystems may have lower biodiversity and rely on human inputs for their functioning.

Would you except to find greater biodiversity in natural ecosystem or human-made ecosystem such as farm or a garden explain your answer?

You would expect to find greater biodiversity in a natural ecosystem compared to a human-made ecosystem like a farm or garden. Natural ecosystems have evolved over time to support a wide variety of species and interactions, whereas human-made ecosystems are often more simplified and managed for specific purposes, which can lead to lower biodiversity.

Why is a garden a man made ecosystem rather than a natural ecosystem?

A garden is considered a man-made ecosystem because it is intentionally designed and managed by humans for a specific purpose, such as growing flowers, fruits, or vegetables. Humans control the plant selection, layout, soil conditions, and maintenance practices, distinguishing it from ecosystems that develop naturally without human intervention.

Which sequence if natural events is likely to lead to ecosystem stability?

A diverse range of plant and animal species interacting in a balanced way, sustainable resource availability, and efficient nutrient cycling are all factors that can lead to ecosystem stability. Additionally, minimal human disruption or intervention can help promote natural balance and resilience within the ecosystem.

What are the examples of natural ecosystem and their brief definitions?

a meadow

What would be useful in making a comparison of an artificial and a natural ecosystem?

When comparing an artificial ecosystem with a natural one, it would be useful to consider factors such as biodiversity, stability, resilience to environmental changes, and the role of human intervention. Additionally, looking at the energy flow, nutrient cycling, and interactions between organisms can provide insights into the differences between the two types of ecosystems.

Explain the importance of biodiversity?

Biodiversity is important for ecosystem stability, as it provides resilience and balance against environmental changes. It also supports ecosystem services such as clean air, water, and food production. Additionally, high biodiversity increases genetic variation, which is essential for species to adapt and evolve over time.

What is the definition of Natural Diversity?

Natural Diversity is the degree of variation of life forms within a given species, ecosystem, biome, or an entire planet. Biodiversity is a measure of the health of ecosystem. Biodiversity is in part a function of climate. In terrestrial habitats, tropical regions are typically rich whereas polar regions support fewer species.