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Organisms that are so small they cannot be seen by the naked eye are called microorganisms. Examples include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and some types of single-celled protists like amoebas and paramecia. These microorganisms play important roles in various ecosystems and can have both positive and negative effects on human and environmental health.

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Q: What areOraganisms so small they cannot be seen by naked eye?
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No they cannot. They are too small (About 12 k in diameter) and a long long way away.

What is a small living creature that cannot be seen without a microscope?

They are microscopic organisms. Some are bacteria,some fungi,protozoans etc

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No, neurons cannot be seen with the naked eye because of their small size. They are typically only visible under a microscope due to their microscopic dimensions.

What is the definition of micro sopic?

"Microscopic" refers to something that is so small it can only be seen with the aid of a microscope. It is typically used to describe organisms, structures, or particles that are too tiny to be seen with the naked eye.

Where do microorganisms live?

everywhere yes,of course, they can live anywhere as they they are very small in size and cannot b seen with a naked eye...

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No, viruses are too small to be seen with the naked eye. They can only be seen under a microscope.

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No, quasars are extremely distant and bright objects that cannot be seen with the naked eye from Earth. They typically require powerful telescopes to be observed.

Can bacteria see?

Bacteria cannot be seen with naked eye.They are microscopic organisms.

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How are the micro organisms?

They are very small microscopic organisms that cannot be seen through naked eyes. They are present in the air , water or land. They mainly heps to recycle the minerals. ****