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Q: What animal would be more likely to leave fossil remains Explain?
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Which animal would be more likely to leave fossil remains a jellyfish moth or a fox explain?

No one knows!!?!?!?!?!?!?! Why do you think I am here?!?!?!?!

Which animal would be more likely to leave fossil remains a jellyfish a moth or a fox?

No one knows!!?!?!?!?!?!?! Why do you think I am here?!?!?!?!

What factors make it more likely that an animal will be preserved as a fossil?

There are many factors that make it more likely that an animal will be preserved as a fossil. One factor is living in a swampy area.

A geologist is studying layers of rock He finds a fossil with an imprint of a shelled animal According to the law of faunal and floral succession what kind of fossil would he most likely find next?

A geologist is studying layers of rock He finds a fossil with an imprint of a shelled animal According to the law of faunal and floral succession what kind of fossil would he most likely find next is a fossil of fishes.

Which of these animal parts is most likely to be preserved as afossil?

In order to know which of these animal parts is most likely to be preserved as a fossil one needs to know the available choices for answers.

What are the conditions needed for an index fossil to form?

An index fossil is formed from the remains of an animal that evolved and lived for a precisely defined (and hopefully short) period of time, they are used to define and identify geologic periods. The best index fossils are wide spread (globally) and numerous (commonly found). They frequently (but not always) bottom dwelling or burrowing organisms with hard parts to their body structure because such organisms are most likely to regularly leave remains that can be fossilized.

A fuel formed the remains of plants and animals?

the correct answer to that is something i do no know that is why i am on but most likely fossil fuels because i looked in my science book.

When a plant or animal dies what is the most likely thing that will happen to its remains?

see my sh!t first and you'll see

Would you be likely to find the fossil remains of a cockroach?

Yes, many types of insects and spiders have been found trapped in fossilized tree resin, (amber), including cockroaches.

What would most likely leave fossil remains a jellyfish a fox or a moth?

A clam is more likely to fossilize than a jellyfish.

To which of the fours species dose your fossil skull likely belong?

Skull fossil is a fossil of Cranidos.

How could you tell that a fossil is a fossil?

Hmm... that is an interesting question. First, a fossil is the preserved remains of a once living organism,, most often hard parts like shells and skeletal material. Usually the remains have been altered in some form through fossilization. The original mineral makeup of the hard parts are physically transformed through chemical reactions, essentially turning the bone into rock. So the simplest answer is that if you have a rock, and that rock looks like it has animal remains in it, those are likely fossils. Now the truth is more complicated than that. Sometimes there are other geologic processes that will form structures in rock that look very similar to actual animal remains... but these processes are completely inorganic and not associated with life. These are called "pseudofossils," and quite a number of different kinds exist. In addition, the process of fossilization does not always occur at a constant rate. Depending upon environmental conditions and the type of material that an animal bone is made of, fossilization may take millions of years to occur. Thus, you may find an bivalve shell in a million-year-old rock, but it looks almost as "fresh" as one you might find on a beach today. For this reason, geologists have arbitrarily assigned an age to animal remains at which point they are called fossils. In most cases, anything older than 10,000 years is considered a fossil, regardless of the condition of the remains.