A Dove generally makes a "coo"-ing sound,it may not exactly sound like a "coo" but it is...
There are all kinds of animals that make the toot sound. Humans for example are one animal that makes that sound.
Cows make the sound "moo." This vocalization is a form of communication among cows and is often associated with their presence in pastures or on farms.
Yes there's always a sound somewhere Like wind makes a sound cars makes a sound animals makes sound
Cows are known to make a lowing sound. This vocalization is often referred to as a "moo" and is a characteristic noise made by cattle to communicate with other members of the herd.
Cows are animals that make a "moo" sound.
wild geese makes a hissing sound
The joke is that it is backwards. Kcauq is quack and knauq is a misspelling that should be kcauq. Kcauq kcauq is quack quack backwards, which is the sound a duck makes.
Actually the answer given is usually a duck. This is, however, wrong.The sound (Quack) is only the representation, in English, of a duck's sound. Other languages hear it differently. A examples:In Albanian, mak-makIn Cantonese, gua, guaIn French, coin coinIn Polish, kwa kwa kwaIn Vietnamese, cạp cạp
to quack (to utter the cry of a duck) is translated by the verbs 'cancaner' or 'craquetter': le canard cancane, le canard craquette > the duck quacks. A quack (noun: cry of the duck) is 'un cancanement' ; the sound is illustrated by 'coin-coin' in French.
quack quack
The word is spelled onomatopoeia. An onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it is describing. A good example of this is the word quack. The sound that a duck makes is "Quack." The word sounds like the sound it is describing.
a quack.
"Quack" can be used as a noun to refer to the sound a duck makes or as a term to describe someone pretending to be a medical professional. For example, "The duck let out a loud quack" versus "It's dangerous to trust your health to a quack doctor."
A ducks quack is made by a duck makeing a sound that reflects around it's beak, making a quack.
No. Loons make a strange yodeling like sound. Also a gutteral "kwuk."
The word "quack" can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to the sound a duck makes or a person who falsely claims to have medical knowledge. As a verb, it means to make the sound of a duck or to pretend to have knowledge or skills one does not possess.