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A Dove generally makes a "coo"-ing sound,it may not exactly sound like a "coo" but it is...

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 9mo ago

A duck makes the sound "quack". It is a vocalization most commonly associated with these waterfowl.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

If you're referring to a coo sound, pigeons and doves

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βˆ™ 14y ago

A dove or pigeon! or maybe a cuckoo?

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βˆ™ 8y ago

a duck

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Q: What animal makes the sound quack?
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What goes kcauq knauq?

The joke is that it is backwards. Kcauq is quack and knauq is a misspelling that should be kcauq. Kcauq kcauq is quack quack backwards, which is the sound a duck makes.

What animal makes quack?

Actually the answer given is usually a duck. This is, however, wrong.The sound (Quack) is only the representation, in English, of a duck's sound. Other languages hear it differently. A examples:In Albanian, mak-makIn Cantonese, gua, guaIn French, coin coinIn Polish, kwa kwa kwaIn Vietnamese, cạp cạp

How do you say quack quack quack in Spanish?

to quack (to utter the cry of a duck) is translated by the verbs 'cancaner' or 'craquetter': le canard cancane, le canard craquette > the duck quacks. A quack (noun: cry of the duck) is 'un cancanement' ; the sound is illustrated by 'coin-coin' in French.

How do you make a duck sound?

quack quack

How do you spell onamatapia?

The word is spelled onomatopoeia. An onomatopoeia is a word that sounds like what it is describing. A good example of this is the word quack. The sound that a duck makes is "Quack." The word sounds like the sound it is describing.

What is a homograph for a bad doctor and the sound made by a duck?

a quack.

How do you use the word quack differently in sentences?

"Quack" can be used as a noun to refer to the sound a duck makes or as a term to describe someone pretending to be a medical professional. For example, "The duck let out a loud quack" versus "It's dangerous to trust your health to a quack doctor."

Does a ducks quack quack?

A ducks quack is made by a duck makeing a sound that reflects around it's beak, making a quack.

Quack Quack Quack?

No. Loons make a strange yodeling like sound. Also a gutteral "kwuk."

What part of speech is the word quack?

The word "quack" can be a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to the sound a duck makes or a person who falsely claims to have medical knowledge. As a verb, it means to make the sound of a duck or to pretend to have knowledge or skills one does not possess.

What is the sound of a duck?
