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Q: What animal camouflages itself like seaweed?
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What animal eats seaweed in the ocean?

many do. the sea otter ties itself up with seaweed to prevent itself from drifting away on the tide while sleeping. the seaweed dragon hides amongst the seaweed, looking so much like the seaweed that predators cannot see it. there are many more creatures that use seaweed, but im not sur eof them right now.

What type of food does seaweed eat?

Seaweed grows from sun light because it is a plant, and doesn't "eat" anything like an animal would.

What sea animal looks like seaweed is shaped like bacon but has 4 legs?

abbey barnier

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seaweed seaweed seaweed

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What seaweed do shrimps eat?

Seaweed actually do not eat anything. Seaweed are plants in the ocean, and just like plants on land, they use something called Photosynthesis to get their own nutrients.

Why is a lion suited to its habitat?

because there is a lot of its diet it camouflages well and lions like warm habitats

Is seaweed a parasite?

no because parasites are animal like and can move but seaweed is a plant so it doesn't move and animals find their own food as in plants make their own foodHOPED i helped

What do zebra stripes look like?

its skin covering is with black and white stripes and when it senses a tiger or any carnivoure ( a animal which eats meat ) animal it goes to a tree and it camouflages ( type of getting dissappeard ).

Is seaweed weed?

No, seaweed is not really weed. People just call it that because, it looks like weeds.

How many calories in roasted seaweed?

Naked roasted seaweed -- not doctored seaweed with oils added -- is very, very low in calories. It is like eating naked lettuce.

What is a mermaid treat?

seaweed they like to eat that