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reduction of ecosystem biodiversity

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4mo ago

Loss of biodiversity, habitat destruction, and disruption of ecological balance are common consequences when converting wildlife habitats into farmland. This process can lead to the displacement or extinction of native species, reduced ecosystem services, and increased fragmentation of natural landscapes.

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Q: What always occurs when converting wildlife habitats into farmland?
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Why is wildlife in Kenya more popular than the beaches?

Wild animals are popular because they are always on the move and reproduce at a faster rate,which makes them unique in their wild habitat.

What can humans do to minimize the impact of urban sprawl on wildlife?

Humans can minimize the impact of urban sprawl on wildlife by promoting smart urban planning that includes wildlife corridors and green spaces, conserving natural habitats, and implementing wildlife-friendly infrastructure such as green roofs and wildlife bridges. Additionally, efforts to reduce pollution, manage invasive species, and raise awareness about the importance of biodiversity can help protect wildlife in urban areas.

What damage cannot be repaired from an oil spill?

Damage to wildlife, such as long-term impacts on populations or species extinction, cannot always be fully repaired after an oil spill. Additionally, certain habitats, like sensitive marshlands or coral reefs, may suffer irreparable harm from oil contamination. Lastly, the economic losses and impacts on local communities from a significant oil spill can sometimes be long-lasting and difficult to fully recover from.

Convert -259 degrees Celsius temperature to kelvin?

When converting from Celsius to Kelvin you always add 273.15 and subtract the same amount when converting from Kelvin to Celsius thus: -259+273.15=14.15 The answer is 14.15 Kelvin

What type of energy is always released from living cells during respiration?

The type of energy always released from living cells during respiration is chemical energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This energy is produced through the process of converting glucose into usable energy by the cells.

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Will ther be a strong demand for a wildlife biologist?

Yes, there will always be demands for wildlife biologists.

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During the periods humans altered their habitats?

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humans always do

What impacts wildlife?

Well humans have always impacted wildlife, extinction, change like global warming, Loss of habitat...Many things

What is the value of farmland in Gregory County South Dakota?

The value of farmland in any place will always be changing based on a variety of factors including the productivity of the farmland, location, buildings, etc. It also depends on if you are asking for the assessed value or the real property value.Currently, May 2015, farmland in Gregory County, SD is listing on real estate websites from $1500 per acre to $9500 per acre.

Do wind farms always destroy wildlife?

Wind farms do have a potential to injure or kill flying wildlife. Birds can and do fly into rotating blades of wind turbines.

How is converting one unit of measure similar to converting to another unit of measure?

You don't really "convert a unit of measurement"; you convert from one unit to another. The two - "from" and "to" are always required.

What are some disadvantages of wind energy source?

Some disadvantages of wind energy include the intermittency of wind (not always blowing), visual and noise impacts from turbines, and potential negative effects on wildlife habitats. Additionally, the initial cost of setting up wind turbines can be high.

Do you always need a preposition after the word encounter?

No, the verb 'encounter' does not need a preposition following it. Example: On a walk in the woods we may encounter wildlife. (the noun 'wildlife' is the direct object of the verb 'encounter')

How do wildlife in Antarctica adapt to the freezing conditions?

All wildlife that breeds on Antarctica's beaches make their homes in the sea. The liquid sea water is always warmer than the ambient air above the waterline.

Where are the special lodging places in Seattle?

There are special lodging places in Seattle for the wildlife that lives there. These are not always known to the human inhabitants because in part the special lodging places are there to protect the wildlife form the humans.